With mounting bipartisan criticism from Republican Congressmen and Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein, the Department of Justice has stepped up an unprecedented public relations campaign to defend its prosecution of Border Guards Ignacio Ramos and … [Read more...] about Let’s Prosecute Drug Smugglers, Not Border Guards
Globalism: Enemy of the Middle Class — February 2007
Globalism: Enemy of the Middle Class The majority of countries in the world (e.g., Mexico) have two classes: the rulers who are very, very rich and the rest of the people who are very, very poor. The United States is … [Read more...] about Globalism: Enemy of the Middle Class — February 2007
Bush’s Plan To Bankrupt Social Security
President Bush's secret plan for Social Security has just been released to the public in response to a Freedom of Information lawsuit filed by TREA Senior Citizens League, a million-member seniors advocacy group. For four years, the President … [Read more...] about Bush’s Plan To Bankrupt Social Security
We Need Compassion For Our Border Guards
President George W. Bush pardoned 16 criminals including five drug dealers at Christmastime, but so far has refused to pardon the two U.S. Border Patrol agents who were trying to defend Americans against drug smugglers. It makes us wonder which side … [Read more...] about We Need Compassion For Our Border Guards
Cheating Americans With
It was a bad week for the advocates of amnesty and guest worker. On Tuesday (12-12), the Bush Administration finally cracked down, 20 years late, on a few thousand of the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens who are illegally employed in the … [Read more...] about Cheating Americans With
Business Week Concedes Globalism Is A Problem
Economists, academicians and financial consultants for years have been preaching that globalism is the wave of the future and that anyone who wants to survive in business must ride its surfboard or drown. All of a sudden, Business Week is having … [Read more...] about Business Week Concedes Globalism Is A Problem
Who Defines American Culture? — December 2006
Who Defines American Culture? With all the public discussion about the values voters (whether they voted in the 2006 election or stayed home), the underlying question is, what is the role of government in defining our … [Read more...] about Who Defines American Culture? — December 2006
Scanning the News about North American Integration — November 2006
Scanning the News about North American Integration Rep. Virgil Goode (VA), Rep. Ron Paul (TX), Rep. Walter Jones (NC), and Rep. Tom Tancredo (CO) introduced House Concurrent Resolution 487 — Expressing the sense of Congress that the United … [Read more...] about Scanning the News about North American Integration — November 2006
To Build Or Not To Build The Fence
Paraphrasing Shakespeare, To build, or not to build; that is the question. Will the Bush Administration build a fence to secure our southern border, or are we being bamboozled with sound and fury, signifying nothing? Conflicting news stories have … [Read more...] about To Build Or Not To Build The Fence
Commemorating the Hungarian Revolution
This month we commemorate the 50th anniversary of one of history's most momentous events. With hindsight, we can now see that the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 started the unraveling of Soviet Communism that finally came to pass in 1991. The … [Read more...] about Commemorating the Hungarian Revolution