Already tasting victory in November, Republicans in Congress issued "A Pledge to America" setting forth their goals. The principal thrust is to reassure Americans that Republicans will, indeed, offer "a clear and clearly different … [Read more...] about Republicans Pledge to Change Our Direction
Time to START Standing Up for America
Among the dangers lurking in Congress's fall session and Lame Duck Session will be Obama's demand that the Senate rush to ratify the treaty called New START, which he signed with the Russians in Prague last April. This treaty is not only a … [Read more...] about Time to START Standing Up for America
Obama versus ‘We the People’ — September 2010
Americans were treated to welcome entertainment during the dog days of summer as we watched the Democrats wring their hands over Barack Obama's tone deafness about political reality. Their despair about Obama is so painful that they are even calling … [Read more...] about Obama versus ‘We the People’ — September 2010
Obama Versus Majority Public Opinion
Americans are being treated to welcome entertainment during the dog days of summer as we watch the Democrats wring their hands over Barack Obama's tone deafness about political reality. Their despair about Obama is so painful that they are even … [Read more...] about Obama Versus Majority Public Opinion
Important Issues for the 2010 Elections — July 2010
Obama Takes Illinois Mistakes Nationwide "Unsustainable" is a scary word that recently entered political discourse, coming authoritatively from Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Director Douglas Elmendorf. Unsustainability is the operative … [Read more...] about Important Issues for the 2010 Elections — July 2010
Obama STARTS to Disarm America
Would you be satisfied if your only access to a computer was to try to boot up one that hadn't been used or tested since 1992? That's the predicament of our nuclear deterrent on which we depend for our ultimate physical survival. On April 8 … [Read more...] about Obama STARTS to Disarm America
Obama STARTS to Disarm America
Would you be satisfied if your only access to a computer was to try to boot up one that hadn't been used or tested since 1992? That's the predicament of our nuclear deterrent on which we depend for our ultimate physical survival. On April 8 … [Read more...] about Obama STARTS to Disarm America
How Republicans Can Blow the Coming Election
Pundits are predicting that Republicans could pick up 40 to 100 seats in the U.S. House this November. But Democrats are about to unveil their secret weapon to keep Nancy Pelosi in her catbird seat. What could be the magic bullet with the potential … [Read more...] about How Republicans Can Blow the Coming Election
How Republicans Can Blow the Coming Election
Pundits are predicting that Republicans could pick up 40 to 100 seats in the U.S. House this November. But Democrats are about to unveil their secret weapon to keep Nancy Pelosi in her catbird seat. What could be the magic bullet with the potential … [Read more...] about How Republicans Can Blow the Coming Election
Why Tea Partiers Say Throw the Bums Out
Proof that the Tea Partiers and others are on target when they criticize both political parties was supplied by the behavior of the U.S. House on April 29. Demoting all major economic and corruption problems facing our country to the bottom of the … [Read more...] about Why Tea Partiers Say Throw the Bums Out