Some Ways Americans Are Ripped Off — April 2012
Some Ways Americans Are Ripped Off Spying and Stealing by Communist China How long are we going to put up with the fiction that free trade with China is beneficial to the United States? China uses our myopia about free trade to cheat us coming and … [Read more...] about Some Ways Americans Are Ripped Off — April 2012
Spying and Stealing by Communist China
How long are we going to put up with the fiction that free trade with China is beneficial to the United States? China uses our myopia about free trade to cheat us coming and going, steal our patents and manufacturing secrets, and violate the rules of … [Read more...] about Spying and Stealing by Communist China
H-1B Visas Take American Jobs
When President Obama was participating in a live video chat, Jennifer Wedel asked him, "Why does the government continue to issue and extend H-1B visas when there are tons of Americans just like my husband with no job?" Her husband is a … [Read more...] about H-1B Visas Take American Jobs
Ginsburg Likes Use of Foreign Law
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has proved again why she doesn't belong on the U.S. Supreme Court. She really doesn't like our U.S. Constitution, which she swore to uphold and defend, and she probably would like to rewrite it with input from various … [Read more...] about Ginsburg Likes Use of Foreign Law
How Do They Come Up With So Many Bad Ideas? — February 2012
How Do They Come Up With So Many Bad Ideas? National Popular Vote — One of the Worst Moving quietly under cover of presidential debates and the enormous publicity given to the race for the Republican nomination is a plan to change how U.S. … [Read more...] about How Do They Come Up With So Many Bad Ideas? — February 2012
Jan Brewer’s photo with Obama
The now-famous picture of Arizona Governor Jan Brewer shaking her finger at President Barack Obama is both appropriate and deserved. In America, we don't have rulers entitled to the deference and obsequiousness other countries show to their … [Read more...] about Jan Brewer’s photo with Obama
Bailing out the European Union
It was bad enough when President Obama bamboozled Congress into passing a Stimulus bill that didn't produce any jobs, then increased the federal deficit in the 2012 omnibus spending bill, then raised the debt ceiling, then bailed out the big U.S. … [Read more...] about Bailing out the European Union
What’s Coming Up in 2012? — January 2012
What's Coming Up in 2012? Bailing out the European Union It was bad enough when President Obama bamboozled Congress into passing a Stimulus bill that didn't produce any jobs, then increased the federal deficit in the 2012 omnibus spending bill, … [Read more...] about What’s Coming Up in 2012? — January 2012
China Celebrates Outwitting Us in the WTO
Communist China is this month celebrating its tenth anniversary of joining the World Trade Organization. The subtitle ought to be China's tenth anniversary of cheating the United States. The globalists talked us into supporting this cozy trade … [Read more...] about China Celebrates Outwitting Us in the WTO