Beware of the Lame Duck Session The current Congress hasn’t finished its mischief. It still has the opportunity to do bad things in the upcoming Lame Duck session, a period when members of Congress who are already defeated will have the opportunity … [Read more...] about The Phyllis Schlafly Report – November 2012
An October Surprise
Political pundits have been warning about an October Surprise that could affect the outcome of the presidential election. But this year’s October Surprise may have been the 9/11 murder of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens plus three other … [Read more...] about An October Surprise
Some Issues in the 2012 Election — October 2012
Some Issues in the 2012 Election On October 31, 2008, Barack Obama said, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States.” It’s now clear that his goal is not merely to “spread the wealth around,” as he told Joe the Plumber. … [Read more...] about Some Issues in the 2012 Election — October 2012
Labor Day Reminds Us of the Need for Jobs
The businesses that support and lobby for so-called free trade are always trying to wrap themselves in Ronald Reagan. But that’s false because Reagan would not have allowed America to be cheated coming and going by foreign countries. Of … [Read more...] about Labor Day Reminds Us of the Need for Jobs
Good and Bad Immigration Proposals
After a genuinely grassroots Republican platform committee produced a principled document on a plethora of issues, including immigration, some people who were not part of the process are promoting pro-amnesty proposals. Writing this week in … [Read more...] about Good and Bad Immigration Proposals
Why Did Ted Cruz Win the Texas Primary?
To the surprise of the pundits, pollsters and predictors who think they are smarter than the rest of us, Ted Cruz won the nomination for U.S. Senator from Texas. A few months ago, he rated only 2 percent in the polls, but in the Primary Runoff he … [Read more...] about Why Did Ted Cruz Win the Texas Primary?
Obama Sabotages Welfare Reform
President Obama on July 12 ended welfare reform, the crowning achievement of the Republican Congress of 1996. That reform succeeded in reducing the welfare rolls by almost half, and was so popular with the American people that Bill Clinton felt … [Read more...] about Obama Sabotages Welfare Reform
UN Treaty Mischief on Disabilities
The United Nations in collusion with Obama’s globalists have cooked up another scheme to slice off a piece of U.S. sovereignty and put us under global government. The plan is to stampede the Senate into ratifying the UN Convention on the Rights … [Read more...] about UN Treaty Mischief on Disabilities
Education Reporter — July 2012
Grassley Asks the Right Questions
Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), a good friend of the Constitution and We the People, has sent President Obama a powerful letter co-signed by 20 Senators. The letter spells out many unlawful aspects of Obama’s recent announcement … [Read more...] about Grassley Asks the Right Questions