Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results. The Ronald Reagan amnesty of 1986 was a conspicuous failure, and a virtually identical plan failed in 2007 when it was pushed by John McCain, Ted Kennedy and George … [Read more...] about The Hypocrisy of Amnesty Advocates
The Wrong Man for Defense Secretary
Americans who are concerned about traditional freedoms and the Second Amendment have no difficulty understanding the message of the popular bumper strip: “If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.” It should be just as easy to … [Read more...] about The Wrong Man for Defense Secretary
Panetta’s Cowardly Decision
In a newsworthy act of political cowardice, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta ran through the Pentagon’s exit door as he announced he is striking down the 1994 Combat Exclusion Law. His timing means his successor, presumably Chuck Hagel, will … [Read more...] about Panetta’s Cowardly Decision
Free Trade Cheats Americans
The re-election of Barack Obama hasn’t done anything to make more jobs available to Americans, and there is no indication that it will. America now has 23 million people who want a fulltime job but can’t find one. Obama doesn’t … [Read more...] about Free Trade Cheats Americans
Obama’s Giveaway to the Communists
The China problem is not just that China is raking in trillions of dollars because of Obama’s spending and borrowing binges, and it’s not just that government policies encourage well-paying U.S. manufacturing jobs to move overseas. An … [Read more...] about Obama’s Giveaway to the Communists
Why Did He Kill All Those Children?
The idea for massacring children in an elementary school or shooting up a mall filled with Christmas shoppers does not come from reading books, watching movies, or listening to music. Does the incitement for such unspeakable acts come from hours of … [Read more...] about Why Did He Kill All Those Children?
Our Task: Educate Grassroots & Leaders — December 2012
Our Task: Educate Grassroots & Leaders Political Parties Need Rebranding & New Leadership Dozens of explanations have been offered by people who think they are savvy about politics to explain why Mitt Romney lost and Barack Obama was … [Read more...] about Our Task: Educate Grassroots & Leaders — December 2012
Amnesty Won’t Elect Republicans
The Republican strategists who confidently predicted that their candidate, Mitt Romney, would win the 2012 election are already pontificating about what Republicans must do to win in 2016. After their disastrous defeat, strategy and policy mistakes, … [Read more...] about Amnesty Won’t Elect Republicans
Try Bipartisanship About China
We heard a lot of loose talk during the presidential campaign about getting tough with Communist China. Since both Barack Obama and Mitt Romney criticized China’s violations of free-trade rules that the United States obeys, this would be the … [Read more...] about Try Bipartisanship About China
Beware of the Lame Duck Session — November 2012
Beware of the Lame Duck Session The current Congress hasn’t finished its mischief. It still has the opportunity to do bad things in the upcoming Lame Duck session, a period when members of Congress who are already defeated will have the opportunity … [Read more...] about Beware of the Lame Duck Session — November 2012