Ann Coulter lives up to her reputation of issuing warnings and political comment that nobody else dares to say in her newest book, Adios, America! It’s aptly titled; she makes the case that it is Goodbye to the America we know and … [Read more...] about Adios, America!
Let’s Get On a Pro-American Track
Congress, led by Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), is preparing to betray American workers, and the grassroots should rise up and say “No, you don’t.” The secretive underhanded deal is called Fast … [Read more...] about Let’s Get On a Pro-American Track
The Real Immigration Issue Is Jobs
Congratulations to WorldNetDaily on its 18th Anniversary. As an author, I’m so thankful to Joseph Farah and his staff for creating such an efficient route to communicate with millions of Americans. I am especially grateful to WND for tackling … [Read more...] about The Real Immigration Issue Is Jobs
The Many Costs of Obama’s Amnesty
Since the costs will come due only after Obama has left the White House, I guess he doesn’t care how high are those costs. But the costs are horrendous, as just added up by our country’s foremost authority on such things, Robert Rector of … [Read more...] about The Many Costs of Obama’s Amnesty
How Democrats Plan to Win Elections
The Obama Democrats have an audacious scheme for winning future elections. They just plan to import 5,000,000 non-citizens and credential them as voters who will, in gratitude, vote Democratic. The way this devious formula works is stunningly … [Read more...] about How Democrats Plan to Win Elections
“It Hit a Nerve”
“It hit a nerve,” Rudy Giuliani observed about his widely reported insight that President Obama does not love America. Amid the uproar from the liberal media that anyone would dare question a liberal’s patriotism, the former mayor of New York City is … [Read more...] about “It Hit a Nerve”
The Costly Asylum Racket
We’ve had a lot of media comment about the bad effects of Obama’s executive orders admitting millions (yes, millions) of illegal immigrants and giving them welfare, Social Security, driver’s licenses, and a path to citizenship. Like many Americans, I … [Read more...] about The Costly Asylum Racket
Obama Publicly Insults Christians
President Barack Obama inserted a jarring note in his speech to the annual Prayer Breakfast by insulting Christians with an inappropriate reference to the Crusades, and charging that people “committed terrible deeds in the name of … [Read more...] about Obama Publicly Insults Christians
Immigration Handbook for Congressional Republicans
Republicans in 2014 won the biggest majority in Congress they’ve had since the 1930s, so the grassroots expect them to deliver the fruits of victory. The best guide for action is the “Immigration Handbook for the New Republican … [Read more...] about Immigration Handbook for Congressional Republicans
The High Cost of Fast Track
Obama received a thundering rejection to his attempt to make the November Congressional election a referendum on his policies. And the biggest Republican majority elected in more than 60 years promised to bring new life to Congress. But instead of … [Read more...] about The High Cost of Fast Track