Legacy Of PS - Higher Education - Scars Of Communism In Russia - Islam A Political System - Illegal Immigration … [Read more...] about Radio Live: Legacy Of PS, Higher Education, Communism, Islam as a Political System, Illegal Immigration
The Famous Date of 9/11
September 11th, a day known to all Americans as 9/11, a day that will always live in infamy in U.S. history. That was the day that Muslims bent on murder and suicide flew airplanes into the World Trade Towers in New York City. I wonder if there was … [Read more...] about The Famous Date of 9/11
Trump’s Muslim Ban Gains Support
When an ISIS-supporting Muslim named Mateen massacred 49 people at a nightclub in Orlando on June 12, Donald Trump reminded Americans that he is still the only political candidate to support a pause in the massive flow of Muslims entering the United … [Read more...] about Trump’s Muslim Ban Gains Support
Brussels and the Border
The bombs that killed 35 and injured 300 in Brussels, Belgium, shutting down the capital city of the European Union, followed a familiar pattern. Young Muslim men born to immigrant parents were inspired by radicals overseas to wage holy war against … [Read more...] about Brussels and the Border
Obama Publicly Insults Christians
President Barack Obama inserted a jarring note in his speech to the annual Prayer Breakfast by insulting Christians with an inappropriate reference to the Crusades, and charging that people “committed terrible deeds in the name of … [Read more...] about Obama Publicly Insults Christians
An October Surprise
Political pundits have been warning about an October Surprise that could affect the outcome of the presidential election. But this year’s October Surprise may have been the 9/11 murder of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens plus three other … [Read more...] about An October Surprise
Look What’s Going On in Charter Schools
The charter school movement was presented to the American people as a way to have more parental control of public school education. Charter schools are public schools financed by local taxpayers plus federal grants. Charter schools are able to hire … [Read more...] about Look What’s Going On in Charter Schools
Islamic Indoctrination in Textbooks
Political Correctness has a double standard when it comes to teaching about religion in public schools. Drop Christianity down the Memory Hole, but give extensive and mostly favorable coverage to Islam. Even the mainstream media have provided … [Read more...] about Islamic Indoctrination in Textbooks
Education Reporter — April 2012
Obama Versus Majority Public Opinion
Americans are being treated to welcome entertainment during the dog days of summer as we watch the Democrats wring their hands over Barack Obama's tone deafness about political reality. Their despair about Obama is so painful that they are even … [Read more...] about Obama Versus Majority Public Opinion