The Bush Administration's announcements that it will delay indefinitely the admission of refugees from terrorist countries, and that it will find and deport foreigners who are illegally in the United States because their visa terms have expired, … [Read more...] about Finding Terrorists Inside The United States
Disease Attacks On Americans
The anthrax scare has made Americans suddenly and acutely very disease conscious. Until a few weeks ago, most Americans had never heard of anthrax, and worries about smallpox had been abandoned years ago. While we have yet to learn the source of the … [Read more...] about Disease Attacks On Americans
Security Starts at Our Borders — November 2001
Security Starts at Our Borders As President Bush has warned us, this is a new kind of war. The battle on the home front has to be waged by citizens and by Congress, and the time to start is yesterday. The Zogby poll reported September … [Read more...] about Security Starts at Our Borders — November 2001
ID Card: The Password to the Police State
The current attempt to inflict Americans with the burden of having to carry a national ID card did not begin on 9-11 and, indeed, is unrelated to it. The attack on the World Trade Center is just a convenient excuse to promote this thoroughly … [Read more...] about ID Card: The Password to the Police State
The Threat of Terrorism Is From Illegal Aliens — October 2001
The Threat of Terrorism Is From Illegal Aliens The act of war that was committed against America on September 11, 2001 (9/11) has changed the way we look at many things. As Bill O'Reilly told Eagle Council XXX in St. Louis on September … [Read more...] about The Threat of Terrorism Is From Illegal Aliens — October 2001
Amnesty Raises Profound Questions — September 2001
Amnesty Raises Profound Questions Perhaps one good result of President George W. Bush's toying with the unpopular notion of granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens is that Americans are starting to debate the constitutional, … [Read more...] about Amnesty Raises Profound Questions — September 2001
Amnesty Puts Profound Questions on the Table
Perhaps one good result of President George W. Bush's toying with the unpopular notion of granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens is that Americans are starting to have a frank debate about the constitutional, cultural, social, language, … [Read more...] about Amnesty Puts Profound Questions on the Table
Is President Bush Being Outfoxed?
When demonstrators displayed anti-American signs against our President while traveling to Europe last month, we could brush it off as a bunch of street radicals getting their kicks. But it is an insult when a foreign head of state comes to the heart … [Read more...] about Is President Bush Being Outfoxed?
Republicans Are Getting Caught In A Traffic Jam
Those who have unkindly called the Republican Party the Stupid Party have new evidence for their opinion. President Bush and 30 Republican Senators are trying to crowd our highways with Mexican trucks that are not required to meet the same safety, … [Read more...] about Republicans Are Getting Caught In A Traffic Jam
The Importance of Our English Language — May 2001
The Importance of Our English Language The U.S. Supreme Court ruled April 24 in a very significant case that concerns our right to respect and legislate English as our national language. Alexander v. Sandoval involved a Spanish-speaking … [Read more...] about The Importance of Our English Language — May 2001