Are you having a hard time paying your bills, making your mortgage payments, or putting your kids through college? You need to know how much of your hard-earned income the government is skimming off and diverting into handouts to immigrants and … [Read more...] about How the Government Spends Taxpayers’ Money
Judges Getting the Message About Illegal Aliens
Four children including two brothers were killed, and 12 others were hospitalized with injuries, in Minnesota last week when a van reportedly ignored a stop sign and barreled into a school bus. The driver of the van, who did not speak English … [Read more...] about Judges Getting the Message About Illegal Aliens
To Assimilate Or Not To Assimilate; That’s The Question
Are you tired of anonymous voices on the phone telling you to “Press 1 (or sometimes 2) for English"? The ability to speak and communicate in English is the litmus test of whether our immigrants are assimilating into the American culture … [Read more...] about To Assimilate Or Not To Assimilate; That’s The Question
What We Want in a Presidential Candidate — November 2007
Speech given to Family Research Council, October 19, 2007 The media have already designated the frontrunners for the Republican nomination for President and are working overtime to force Republicans to line up behind one of them right now. The … [Read more...] about What We Want in a Presidential Candidate — November 2007
Supreme Court Case Proves
A case now before the Supreme Court proves why the Senate must defeat the United Nations Law of the Sea Treaty (known as LOST). The oral arguments heard this month by the justices didn't mention the treaty, but the parallels are powerful. The … [Read more...] about Supreme Court Case Proves
Dream Act Is Backdoor Amnesty
The American people rose up out of their usual apathy this year and soundly defeated the Bush-Kennedy-McCain-Kyl bill to give amnesty to illegal aliens. Now, some Senators are trying to get Congress to pass a backdoor amnesty by calling it the DREAM … [Read more...] about Dream Act Is Backdoor Amnesty
Self-Government Is In Peril From The SPP
It's now leaking out that there was more going on than met the eye at the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) Summit in Montebello, Canada in August. The three amigos, Bush, Harper and Calderon, finalized and released the "North … [Read more...] about Self-Government Is In Peril From The SPP
Bush Refuses To Deny The North American Agenda
The three-nation summit at Montebello, Quebec, was held behind closed doors, well guarded behind an intimidating fence and plenty of police, but the news conference that followed on August 21 revealed more than the three heads of state had planned. … [Read more...] about Bush Refuses To Deny The North American Agenda
Plans for Economic Integration
Canada in the summer and Mexico in the spring offer good weather for planning international policies. Nervousness about the political weather, however, is putting the third Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) summit on August 20-21 at a site … [Read more...] about Plans for Economic Integration
Economic Integration on the March — August 2007
Canada in the summer and Mexico in the spring offer good weather for planning international policies. Nervousness about the political weather, however, is putting the third Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) summit on August 20-21 at a site … [Read more...] about Economic Integration on the March — August 2007