Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results. The Ronald Reagan amnesty of 1986 was a conspicuous failure, and a virtually identical plan failed in 2007 when it was pushed by John McCain, Ted Kennedy and George … [Read more...] about The Hypocrisy of Amnesty Advocates
Our Task: Educate Grassroots & Leaders — December 2012
Our Task: Educate Grassroots & Leaders Political Parties Need Rebranding & New Leadership Dozens of explanations have been offered by people who think they are savvy about politics to explain why Mitt Romney lost and Barack Obama was … [Read more...] about Our Task: Educate Grassroots & Leaders — December 2012
Amnesty Won’t Elect Republicans
The Republican strategists who confidently predicted that their candidate, Mitt Romney, would win the 2012 election are already pontificating about what Republicans must do to win in 2016. After their disastrous defeat, strategy and policy mistakes, … [Read more...] about Amnesty Won’t Elect Republicans
Good and Bad Immigration Proposals
After a genuinely grassroots Republican platform committee produced a principled document on a plethora of issues, including immigration, some people who were not part of the process are promoting pro-amnesty proposals. Writing this week in … [Read more...] about Good and Bad Immigration Proposals
Why Did Ted Cruz Win the Texas Primary?
To the surprise of the pundits, pollsters and predictors who think they are smarter than the rest of us, Ted Cruz won the nomination for U.S. Senator from Texas. A few months ago, he rated only 2 percent in the polls, but in the Primary Runoff he … [Read more...] about Why Did Ted Cruz Win the Texas Primary?
Obama Sabotages Welfare Reform
President Obama on July 12 ended welfare reform, the crowning achievement of the Republican Congress of 1996. That reform succeeded in reducing the welfare rolls by almost half, and was so popular with the American people that Bill Clinton felt … [Read more...] about Obama Sabotages Welfare Reform
Education Reporter — July 2012
Grassley Asks the Right Questions
Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), a good friend of the Constitution and We the People, has sent President Obama a powerful letter co-signed by 20 Senators. The letter spells out many unlawful aspects of Obama’s recent announcement … [Read more...] about Grassley Asks the Right Questions
The Dream Act Is a Nightmare
“Mr. President, why do you favor foreign workers over Americans?” That was the obvious question Barack Obama refused to answer when a reporter, doing his job, sought an answer rather than a canned teleprompter presentation. That is, … [Read more...] about The Dream Act Is a Nightmare
Winning Where It Counts: in the Courts — May 2012
Winning Where It Counts: in the Courts To paraphrase Charles Dickens, it has been both the best of times and the worst of times for our judiciary, depending on the issue and the court. Like it or not, most major decisions in our nation are now made … [Read more...] about Winning Where It Counts: in the Courts — May 2012