The collapse of the global warming treaty negotiations in The Hague last week illustrates the folly of the Clinton-Gore globalists who want to give a consortium of foreigners the power to regulate the American standard of living. The conference ended … [Read more...] about Kyoto Collapses In The Hague
Does Al Gore Support The Earth Charter?
Grandiose plans are underway for the 55th annual gathering of the United Nations General Assembly in New York City September 5-9, 2000. Titled the Millennium Assembly and Summit, it is scheduled to take at least two actions designed to turn the … [Read more...] about Does Al Gore Support The Earth Charter?
Millennium Madness At The UN
Senator Jesse Helms has been calling for the United Nations to reform itself and reduce its bloated budgets, but the UN reform agenda now being implemented is very different from what Helms has in mind. The apparatus for UN-style reform consists of … [Read more...] about Millennium Madness At The UN
Clinton’s Two-Step Into the International Court
Several liberal commentators pronounced Bill Clinton's command of the issues "dazzling" at his last news conference of the century. What's really dazzling is his skill in dancing around responsibility for his mistakes. A case in point is Clinton's … [Read more...] about Clinton’s Two-Step Into the International Court
The WTO Woke Us Up In Seattle
Seattle, the home of Microsoft and Boeing, was supposed to be the Gateway to the Global Economy. Shattered shop windows and tear gas made it instead the gateway to Americans' knowledge about the World Trade Organization (WTO). The United States was … [Read more...] about The WTO Woke Us Up In Seattle
Global Goals: Bailouts, Bosnia, Lies, and Hot Air — January 1998
Global Goals: Bailouts, Bosnia, Lies, and Hot Air Congress Should Just Say No to IMF Funding While most Americans were celebrating Christmas and exchanging gifts with family members, Secretary of the Treasury Robert Rubin spent … [Read more...] about Global Goals: Bailouts, Bosnia, Lies, and Hot Air — January 1998
Free Trade = Freedom to Lie on Labels
We're learning more every month about what "free trade" really means. Not only does it mean NAFTA, stunning defeats in disputes before the World Trade Organization (too bad for Eastman Kodak, which lost its effort to open up the Japanese market and … [Read more...] about Free Trade = Freedom to Lie on Labels
Global Goals of the Clinton Administration — October 1997
Global Goals of the Clinton Administration President Bill Clinton appointed his Rhodes scholar roommate and fellow draft dodger, Strobe Talbott, as his personal foreign policy adviser and later to the number-two post in the State … [Read more...] about Global Goals of the Clinton Administration — October 1997
Will Treaties Rule America’s Future? — September 1997
Will Treaties Rule America's Future? NATO Expansion Commits U.S. to Wars The current Republican Congress has a duty to save us from Bill Clinton's blunder in trying to lock America into an expansion of NATO. The 105th Congress has shown … [Read more...] about Will Treaties Rule America’s Future? — September 1997
School-to-Work and Goals 2000 — April 1997
School-to-Work and Goals 2000 The Clinton Administration learned a big lesson from the defeat of its plan to take over the entire U.S. health care industry. Releasing its plan as a single 1,342-page bill in 1993 gave … [Read more...] about School-to-Work and Goals 2000 — April 1997