Globalism: Enemy of the Middle Class The majority of countries in the world (e.g., Mexico) have two classes: the rulers who are very, very rich and the rest of the people who are very, very poor. The United States is … [Read more...] about Globalism: Enemy of the Middle Class — February 2007
Business Week Concedes Globalism Is A Problem
Economists, academicians and financial consultants for years have been preaching that globalism is the wave of the future and that anyone who wants to survive in business must ride its surfboard or drown. All of a sudden, Business Week is having … [Read more...] about Business Week Concedes Globalism Is A Problem
Pursuing The Globalist Agenda By Press Release
The hottest issue at the grassroots is illegal immigration and what our government is not doing to stop it. The question most frequently heard is, Why doesn't the Bush Administration get it? Maybe the Bush Administration doesn't want to stop … [Read more...] about Pursuing The Globalist Agenda By Press Release
Whom Is The Supreme Court Listening To?
Globalism doesn't mean just accepting foreign countries' products and people across our borders. Supreme Court justices are beginning to manifest a curious fascination with foreign legal systems, too. Speaking at Bill Clinton's alma … [Read more...] about Whom Is The Supreme Court Listening To?
Can Globalism Amend Our Constitution?
We live in a global economy, right? But the elites mouthing this mantra haven't shared with the American people the news that globalism not only means open borders for the movement of goods and the migration of peoples, plus textbooks teaching … [Read more...] about Can Globalism Amend Our Constitution?
The Global Economy “It’s Wonderful!”
The Boston Globe revealed the reason why tens of thousands of information technology (IT) jobs have been outsourced overseas in the last couple of years, and why major American banks, brokerage houses, and insurance companies plan to shift 500,000 … [Read more...] about The Global Economy “It’s Wonderful!”
What the Global Economy Costs Americans — June 2003
What the Global Economy Costs Americans The big argument for the tax cut just signed by President Bush is that it will create much-needed jobs. But one big question remains: will those jobs be created for Americans, or will … [Read more...] about What the Global Economy Costs Americans — June 2003
United Nations Treaty On Women
Rumblings are leaking out of Washington that Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Joseph Biden (D-DE) and the Clinton holdovers in the State Department are conspiring to resuscitate the long-moribund United Nations Convention on the … [Read more...] about United Nations Treaty On Women
Protect Americans, Repudiate The ICC
The Bush Administration just took a welcome step to disentangle the United States from the global legacy of the late, unlamented Clinton Administration. The State Department's ambassador at large for war crimes issues, Pierre Prosper, announced … [Read more...] about Protect Americans, Repudiate The ICC
They Call It ‘The Democracy Predicament’
They call it “the democracy predicament.” The problem is that the politicians who prattle incessantly about democracy are not willing to accept the voters' democratic decisions. "Make them vote again and again until they vote the way we tell them … [Read more...] about They Call It ‘The Democracy Predicament’