Senator Jesse Helms, who like John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died on the Fourth of July, was the authentic voice of conservatism for three decades. He was a role-model of an incorruptible public official who adhered to principle despite the … [Read more...] about Jesse Helms: The Most Important Senator of Our Times
American Innovation Supremacy at Risk
The high-priced corporate lobbyists walking Capitol Hill corridors have a new mantra: innovation. They demand that Congress bring in more guest workers, especially from Asia, in order to maintain American innovation supremacy. The lobbyists' … [Read more...] about American Innovation Supremacy at Risk
Chinese Poisons in Your Medicine Cabinet
"Chinese Counterfeits and American Failures," the title of a congressional hearing on April 29, laid bare a shocking problem. At least 81 U.S. deaths appear to be the result of the Communist Chinese counterfeiting an ingredient in a … [Read more...] about Chinese Poisons in Your Medicine Cabinet
The Many Sides of Globalism — May 2008
Has George III Returned? It's a good thing that British Prime Minister Gordon Brown's U.S. visit was upstaged by the dramatic reception Americans gave Pope Benedict XVI. Brown might have been booed if he hadn't delivered what aides called his … [Read more...] about The Many Sides of Globalism — May 2008
England’s Call to Repeal Our Declaration of Independence
It's a good thing that British Prime Minister Gordon Brown's U.S. visit was upstaged by the dramatic reception Americans gave Pope Benedict XVI. Brown might have been booed if he hadn't delivered what aides called his … [Read more...] about England’s Call to Repeal Our Declaration of Independence
North American Union: Conspiracy or Coverup?
Ever since Hillary proclaimed the Clintons as the victims of a "vast right-wing conspiracy," conspiracy has been the hot word used to ridicule your opponents. When President Bush wanted to avoid answering questions about whether the … [Read more...] about North American Union: Conspiracy or Coverup?
Creating Jobs in Europe, Not America
The indignation of Americans is growing rapidly about the U.S. Air Force granting a French company a $35 billion tanker-aircraft contract that could eventually grow to $100 billion and is estimated to create 100,000 jobs in Europe. French government … [Read more...] about Creating Jobs in Europe, Not America
Self-Government in Peril from the Globalists — October 2007
Self-Government in Peril from the Globalists The Flu Is Really Dangerous It's now leaking out that there was more going on than met the eye at the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) Summit in Montebello, Canada in August. The three … [Read more...] about Self-Government in Peril from the Globalists — October 2007
The Globalists’ Plan To Give Away U.S. Patents
In extraordinary Senate-House coordination, the two Judiciary committees in the same week voted out a bill (S.1145 and H.R.1908) which, if it becomes law, will spell the end of America's world leadership in innovation. Called the Patent Reform … [Read more...] about The Globalists’ Plan To Give Away U.S. Patents
New Awakening About Free Trade
On the first day that H-1B visas became available, the corporations snapped up all that are allowed. Our government received 150,000 applications for the 85,000 slots set aside to bring in foreign skilled workers. The corporations whine that H-1Bs … [Read more...] about New Awakening About Free Trade