Would you belong and pay dues to a foreign organization that is anti-morality and anti-marriage? If not, why do we allow the United States to use our taxpayers' money to pay dues for membership in UNESCO (United Nations Educational, … [Read more...] about UNESCO Gets off the Track Again
UNESCO Gets off the Track Again
Would you belong and pay dues to a foreign organization that is anti-morality and anti-marriage? If not, why do we allow the United States to use our taxpayers' money to pay dues for membership in UNESCO (United Nations Educational, … [Read more...] about UNESCO Gets off the Track Again
What Happened in Guadalajara
President Obama went to Guadalajara, Mexico in August as part of his promise to "rejoin the World Community" and become a "citizen of the world." He participated in a conference with Mexican President Felipe Calderon and Canadian … [Read more...] about What Happened in Guadalajara
Harold Koh Is Too Dangerous for America
Does Barack Obama really want to make Americans subject to foreign law and courts? That is the question Senators should ask when they vote on his nomination of Harold Hongju Koh, former dean of the Yale Law School, to be the top lawyer at the State … [Read more...] about Harold Koh Is Too Dangerous for America
Don’t Fall for Cap and Tax
Barack Obama promised that he won't raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000 a year. He neglected to mention that this tax exemption will go only to those who don't use electricity, gasoline, heating oil, or natural gas. The truth of … [Read more...] about Don’t Fall for Cap and Tax
David Souter’s Departure
On his 100th day in office, President Barack Obama started campaigning for reelection in 2012. He went to a small town in Missouri, a red state he didn't carry last year, and boasted that "we've begun the work of remaking … [Read more...] about David Souter’s Departure
Ginsburg’s Judicial Activism Goes International
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wasn't dozing off when she appeared recently at a symposium at Ohio State University's School of Law. Credited with writing several feminist precepts into U.S. constitutional law based on the spurious … [Read more...] about Ginsburg’s Judicial Activism Goes International
Will the Real Secretary Geithner Please Stand Up?
Does Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner favor replacing the U.S. dollar with a global currency, or doesn't he? Or, as Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) pointedly asked on Sean Hannity's program, "Which Tim Geithner do we … [Read more...] about Will the Real Secretary Geithner Please Stand Up?
Obama’s Plan to Rejoin the World Community
When Candidate Barack Obama declared himself a "citizen of the world" before thousands of cheering German socialists, and later pledged to "rejoin the World Community," those weren't just his usual platitudes about … [Read more...] about Obama’s Plan to Rejoin the World Community
Obama Rejects English Language Assimilation
One would think that a presidential candidate who has no military service, who survived a public controversy about attending a church for 20 years where the pastor preached "hate America," plus a flap about his refusal to wear an American … [Read more...] about Obama Rejects English Language Assimilation