The death of Generalissimo Francisco Franco and the coronation of King Juan Carlos mark the end of an era in Spain and present an awesome challenge to the 37-year-old monarch to continue the political stability and the growing economic prosperity … [Read more...] about Juan Carlos’ Challenge
Historical Mistakes
For forty years, the world was fooled by the Piltdown Man, a hoax which the anthropologists told us was the missing link to prove evolution. The fraud was exposed in 1953 and ENCYCLOPAEDiA BRITANNICA now describes the Piltdown Man under the heading … [Read more...] about Historical Mistakes
Argentina Killings
Certain newspapers and magazines have recently been taking editorial and cartoon potshots at the Los Angeles Chief of Police, Edward Michael Davis. It seems that the liberals are turned off by the enthusiastic rhetoric that accompanies his … [Read more...] about Argentina Killings
Brazil & Japan
First question: What is the principal export product of Brazil? If your answer was coffee, you are wrong. All the geography books and encyclopedias are now obsolete. This year, coffee dropped to second place b hind the giant Brazilian crop of … [Read more...] about Brazil & Japan
Ford’s Legion Speech
Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev must have gotten a big laugh about President Ford's speech to the American Legion in which he warned that, if Brezhnev doesn't hurry up and sign a SALT II arms agreement, the Ford Administration will request a $3 billion … [Read more...] about Ford’s Legion Speech
Inventory on Ford
Since President Ford has just completed his first year in office, it is time to take an inventory. In those matters where he acted on his own, President Ford's record is good. He successfully vetoed several wasteful spending bills. He refused to … [Read more...] about Inventory on Ford
“Safeguard” in SALT?
Strategic arms limitation talks have resumed in Geneva to work out a SALT II Agreement to be signed at the next summit meeting with the Soviets this fall. Before we go any further, it is important for the American people to understand how we were … [Read more...] about “Safeguard” in SALT?
The First Task of a Presidential Candidate — July 1975
Our Disappearing Allies
Ten years ago, the United States had steadfast allies all over the world. In Europe, our solid lineup of friends extended from Norway to Greece and Turkey. It was especially strong in the center with Britain and West Germany, and secure in the South … [Read more...] about Our Disappearing Allies
Our Allies Got The Message — But Did We? — April 1975