Cuddling Up To Caribbean Communists — July 1977
Don’t Surrender The U.S. Canal! — February 1977
Senator Birch Bayh, whose claim to fame in recent years has been as proposer of several constitutional amendments and as the one who stopped passage of the proposed Human Life Amendment, has bounced back into the news as the sponsor of a new bill … [Read more...] about OIL DIVESTITURE
Build B-1 and Cruise Missile
The CIA, which has a consistent record of always underestimating Soviet actions and capabilities, discovered this spring that the Soviet Union is devoting two and a half times as much of its Gross National Product to military expenditures as the CIA … [Read more...] about Build B-1 and Cruise Missile
The Ford Administration has apparently made a calculated decision that the way to get the American people to acquiesce in Henry Kissinger's plan to sign a new treaty with Panama giving away the U.S. Canal is to threaten the American people with dire … [Read more...] about THREATS ABOUT THE U.S. CANAL
Thirty three years ago, thousands of American boys died to chase the Italians and Germans out of North Africa. Nobody thanked us for our blood, sweat and tears, and a pro-Communist dictator took over in Libya after we left. Since World War II, our … [Read more...] about Colonialism
Brezhnev’s Speech
President Ford announced recently that he does not intend to use the word detente any more. He has finally realized that it is counterproductive in American politics. Unfortunately, Leonid Brezhnev, General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, … [Read more...] about Brezhnev’s Speech
Mogens Glistrup
The third largest political party in Denmark is headed by Mogens Glistrup. His domestic policy is to eliminate nearly all taxes. His foreign policy is to abolish Denmark's military defense and replace it with one man who, in case of a Soviet attack … [Read more...] about Mogens Glistrup
Churches and Capitalism
The National Council of Churches took some gratuitous swipes at capitalism recently when it sponsored a gathering called "An Ecumenical Consultation on Domestic Hunger." The delegates announced their belief that "a basic contradiction exists between … [Read more...] about Churches and Capitalism