Watching the latest MacNeil-Lehrer documentary on Third World debt must leave most listeners wondering what the problem really is. The piece showed many aspects of this issue but it didn’t pose the right questions. We were correctly told that … [Read more...] about Selling the Brady Plan on TV
Four National Security Challenges — June 1989
Facing Reality About Trade with Japan
American consumers are immensely better of when we buy radios, televisions, VCRs, CD players, and fax machines from Japan. The Japanese make those items better and cheaper than we can make them. Free trade is not expected to produce even exchanges … [Read more...] about Facing Reality About Trade with Japan
Renounce the Panama Canal Non-Treaty
The first step in the transfer of our U.S. Canal at Panama to the corrupt, drug-peddling, pro-Communist military dictator Manuel Noriega, under the 1978 Carter giveaway treaty will occur later this year when the Senate is called on to confirm an … [Read more...] about Renounce the Panama Canal Non-Treaty
The Contras are Hanging On
President Franklin D. Roosevelt kept a man on his staff to read small town newspapers and report the pulse of the people so the White House would not be misled by the Washington, D.C. media. President George Bush should be glad he has his attorney, … [Read more...] about The Contras are Hanging On
Eliminate Tax Deductions for Foreign Loans and Losses
Rescheduling and convertibility are not exactly household words, but they may become so soon. Those are the names for the mechanisms by which some big U.S. banks and businesses are planning on making a tidy profit by using American taxpayers’ and … [Read more...] about Eliminate Tax Deductions for Foreign Loans and Losses
Americans Should Say NO To Financing The Soviets — March 1989
Just Say NO to Tax Increases — January 1989
Loopholes in the INF Treaty — April 1988
Among the several times that Mikhail and Raisa Gorbachev showed their bad manners while ln Washington for the recent Summit, the most outrageous was when Gorby declaimed, " What moral right does the United Stales have to preach to us, to the rest of … [Read more...] about WHO HAS THE MORAL RIGHT TO PREACH?