Americans should beware when Members of Congress talk about "reform" and "comprehensive" because those words usually cover a lot of mischief. The latest example of this legerdemain is the so-called Patent Reform now aggressively … [Read more...] about Patent Reform Is A Patent Giveaway
Obama’s ‘New World Order’ — March 2009
Under the subterfuge of helping the economy, Barack Obama's Stimulus legislates vast new spending programs to finance liberal policy goals that are unnecessary and undesirable. The flow of taxpayers' money will be so gargantuan as to make Lyndon B. … [Read more...] about Obama’s ‘New World Order’ — March 2009
New Proof of Reagan’s Wisdom
The U.S. Navy gave Ronald Reagan a dramatic 25th anniversary gift on February 21. A Navy missile raced into outer space and destroyed an orbiting satellite, thereby providing new proof of the vision President Reagan proclaimed in his then-sensational … [Read more...] about New Proof of Reagan’s Wisdom
Free Trade in Dangerous Drugs
Several months ago when the news broke about poisonous pet food and lead-laden toys from China, I asked my local pharmacy to give me a letter stating it is not selling me any prescription drugs imported from China. The reply was, "We don't … [Read more...] about Free Trade in Dangerous Drugs
Patents, Poisons, Prescription Drugs
At the MSNBC Florida presidential debate, Mitt Romney posed a very significant question. “As we compete with China, how do we make sure that trade is done in a way that levels the playing field? How do we ... protect American industry and … [Read more...] about Patents, Poisons, Prescription Drugs
Questions Republican Candidates Should Answer
Why are questions about Communist China asked only in the Democratic presidential debates? We want to know what the Republican candidates plan to do about China sending us poisoned foods and toys. All presidential candidates should be asked what … [Read more...] about Questions Republican Candidates Should Answer
Let’s Protect American Jobs
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" is an old verse that just isn't true. Indeed, words can hurt, break up marriages, destroy careers, and defeat political candidates. Even words out of one's own … [Read more...] about Let’s Protect American Jobs
Supreme Court Case Proves
A case now before the Supreme Court proves why the Senate must defeat the United Nations Law of the Sea Treaty (known as LOST). The oral arguments heard this month by the justices didn't mention the treaty, but the parallels are powerful. The … [Read more...] about Supreme Court Case Proves
Sink The Law Of The Sea Again
With all the critical problems facing America today, it's hard to see why President Bush is wasting whatever is left of his presidential clout to partner with Democratic presidential candidate Senator Joe Biden (DE) to try to get the Senate to … [Read more...] about Sink The Law Of The Sea Again
Americans Need China-Free Food
The scandal of imported products from Communist China has accelerated to a level that the public should demand "China-free" labels on anything that goes into a mouth. This includes not only food, vitamins and medicines but toothpaste and … [Read more...] about Americans Need China-Free Food