Even an ill wind usually blows some good to someone. The ill winds of the Middle East War blew some truths our way which have helped us to identify which nations are friends and which are foes. When the chips were down, the outcome of the war was … [Read more...] about FRIENDS AND FOES
Negotiations have begun in Panama by our State Department, with the connivance of the United Nations, to renegotiate the treaty of 1903. That is diplomatic language for giving away the Panama Canal. It seems that there are powerful forces in our … [Read more...] about PANAMA CANAL
John F. Kennedy
Many memorials have been given this month on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. It is good to recall the historic events of his life, but it may be more important to reflect on the causes of his … [Read more...] about John F. Kennedy
What Our POWs Can Teach Us About America — November 1973
Three years ago, members of President Nixon's own Blue Ribbon Defense Panel warned that the growing Soviet nuclear superiority would cause the Kremlin to become "hostile, disruptive and imperialistic," and might result in "a Soviet-inspired and … [Read more...] about THE MIDDLE EAST
The Soviet Military Threat to the Free World — October 1973
One of the bravest men in the world recently summed up what is wrong with American policy toward the Soviet Union, in a sensational press conference in Moscow, Russian H-bomb scientist Andrei Salcharov referred to the way the Soviets are importing … [Read more...] about SAKHAROV’S WARNING
In the SALT Agreement last year, the United States gave in to the Soviet demand for a 3-to-2 superiority over us in missile-firing submarines. The Agreement allows the Soviets to have 62, whereas we are permitted only 44. In the descriptive … [Read more...] about POSEIDON TEST
The cartoonist Herblock recently published a cartoon which showed Dr. Henry Kissinger applying for a marriage license with his bride-to-be, "Miss Secretary of State." She was wheeling a baby carriage with a four-year-old child who was a miniature … [Read more...] about HENRY KISSINGER