The psychological change that takes place in most men when they move into positions of great power is a phenomenon that has been commented on by philosophers through the ages. Shakespeare declaimed: "Upon what meat does this our Caesar feed, that he … [Read more...] about Pitfalls of Personal Diplomacy
The Lessons of Vietnam — June 1975
Why Vietnam?
The tragedy called the Vietnam War has run its course. The United States poured into it eight years of effort, the lives of 50,000 of our finest young men, the good health of another 300,000, $150 billion of our hard-earned tax money, and the honor … [Read more...] about Why Vietnam?
Vietnam Investigation
Many Americans are so emotionally exhausted by the tragic news of the Vietnam debacle that it is easy to accept the request of President Ford not to "engage in recriminations or attempts to assess blame." However, those who do not learn the lessons … [Read more...] about Vietnam Investigation
On April 1, Vietnam's Ambassador to the United States said sadly: "Probably it is safer to be an ally of the Communists, and it is fatal to be an ally of the United States." It took only 19 days to prove that statement was no April Fool's joke or … [Read more...] about Cambodia
The old saying, Lord, I can take care of my enemies, but please protect me from my friends, is a good aphorism to apply to the matter of the Panama Canal. We are in danger of losing our ownership and control over this lifeline of our military and … [Read more...] about NEW PANAMA TREATY
In January Congress abolished the House Internal Security Committee which, over 45 years, had exposed dozens of top Soviet spies in the State, Treasury, and Commerce Departments, the Office of Strategic Services, and even in the White House itself. … [Read more...] about NEED FOR INTELLIGENCE
The present gloom and doom on the economic front is matched only by the news that our foreign policy is a shambles, from Vietnam and Cambodia, to the Middle East, to Greece, Turkey, and Portugal. There is, however, one bright spot in the world -- … [Read more...] about CHILE AND THE CIA
Two years ago last month, Americans breathed a sigh of relief at the signing of the Paris Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam. Yet even as Henry Kissinger and Le Due Tho were receiving the Nobel Peace Prize for this alleged … [Read more...] about AID TO VIETNAM
It is beginning to look as though the storm brewing over the CIA will not serve any constructive purpose, but is more apt to impede its legitimate functions. The crime the CIA is alleged to have committed is the creation and keeping of files on some … [Read more...] about CIA FILES