… [Read more...] about Differences Between Ford And Reagan — July 1976
Danger From Mexico
"Don't worry, the Reds are still 90 miles away"was the sarcastic slogan of the 1960s designed to focus attention on the stupidity of our State Department, first, in supporting Fidel Castro's takeover of Cuba, second, in withdrawing air and sea … [Read more...] about Danger From Mexico
Communist Assassinations
Most murders are committed either in the heat of passion, or as ancillary to other crimes such as robbery or rape, or as the irrational act of a criminal psychopath. A different and very special type of murder took place recently when the Bolivian … [Read more...] about Communist Assassinations
Lessons of Cambodia
The bits and pieces of news that have percolated out of Cambodia since that country went behind the bamboo curtain last year are so horrible that it is almost as though we are hearing reports about a race of subhuman monsters on another planet. The … [Read more...] about Lessons of Cambodia
Is Kissinger a “Glistrup”? — May 1976
Build B-1 and Cruise Missile
The CIA, which has a consistent record of always underestimating Soviet actions and capabilities, discovered this spring that the Soviet Union is devoting two and a half times as much of its Gross National Product to military expenditures as the CIA … [Read more...] about Build B-1 and Cruise Missile
Communist Threat in Italy
Italy is the home port of the American Sixth Fleet. Italy hosts a network of American bases and NATO facilities, and is at the center of NATO political and military planning and operations. Italy is also a charter member of the NATO Nuclear Planning … [Read more...] about Communist Threat in Italy
Primary Issues
Under the parliamentary system as they have in England, if the government loses a vote in Parliament on a major issue, a general election is called to sustain or change the party in power. The issues may determine the timing of the election, whereas … [Read more...] about Primary Issues
Mogens Glistrup
The third largest political party in Denmark is headed by Mogens Glistrup. His domestic policy is to eliminate nearly all taxes. His foreign policy is to abolish Denmark's military defense and replace it with one man who, in case of a Soviet attack … [Read more...] about Mogens Glistrup
The principal achievement of the liberal politicians during the last three years is their crippling of our internal security. The result, whether they intended it or not, has been to make our country safe for terrorists and unsafe for law-abiding … [Read more...] about Terrorism