… [Read more...] about What’s Wrong With Women in Military Combat? — June 1991
The Feminist Plan to Assign Women to Combat
The radical feminists pulled a fast one and the Congressmen were caught off guard. Rep. Patricia Schroeder (D-CO) presented what the Washington Post called “a surprise measure” to a closed meeting of the House Armed Services Committee and, on a voice … [Read more...] about The Feminist Plan to Assign Women to Combat
Lessons of the Gulf War — April 1991
The Lessons of the Gulf War
This is the first time most Americans have ever seen our nation win a war. Now we can shake off our self-5-mage as a defeated nation, characterized by that embarrassing picture of the helicopter lifting its last load of refugees out of … [Read more...] about The Lessons of the Gulf War
Sending Mothers to the Gulf War! — March 1991
Moms in the Gulf War
It’s the newspaper pictures that did it -- the photographs of soldier mothers tearfully saying goodbye to their babies as they depart to serve in the Gulf War. The U.S. Armed Services have even shipped out breastfeeding mothers of infants only two, … [Read more...] about Moms in the Gulf War
Say NO to a Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
It used to be that, when we talked about nuclear test ban treaties, the only players were the United States and the Soviet Union. That isn’t true any more. Mikhail Gorbachev may be more interested in holding out his hand for U.S. aid and loans than … [Read more...] about Say NO to a Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
Time To Tell the Feminists Bye-Bye — December 1990
The Follies of the U.N. Treaty on Women — September 1990
Whose Side is Congress On?
The first week of August, the liberal Democrats in the U.S. Senate indulged in some pacifist euphoria and voted to cripple our Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) by cutting out one-fourth of its money ($4.7 billion cut to $3.6 billion). After all, … [Read more...] about Whose Side is Congress On?