America Has No Business in Bosnia So President Bill Clinton is sending 20,000 American soldiers to Bosnia. The man who ducked out of serving in the Vietnam War now says other men have a duty to send their sons to fight a foreign war. Clinton has … [Read more...] about America Has No Business in Bosnia — January 1996
What Master Do U.S. Servicemen Serve?
"No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other." So what master do U.S. servicemen serve: the U.S. Constitution or the United Nations Charter? The U.S. … [Read more...] about What Master Do U.S. Servicemen Serve?
The United Nations — An Enemy in Our Midst — November 1995
The United Nations — An Enemy in Our Midst The 50th Anniversary of the United Nations should be a cause for mourning not celebration. It is a monument to foolish hopes, embarrassing compromises, betrayal of our servicemen, and a steady … [Read more...] about The United Nations — An Enemy in Our Midst — November 1995
Anniversary of the Lifesaver Bomb
Ever since the Smithsonian Institution earlier this year tried to give us all a guilty conscience about the B-29 named Enola Gay, we've been inundated with a torrent of breastbeating about the dropping of the atom bomb on Hiroshima. The 50th … [Read more...] about Anniversary of the Lifesaver Bomb
SDI Should be Built Now
Thirty years ago in 1965, I was privileged to be escorted with a small group through NORAD, the great hole in a Colorado mountain where our government headquartered its systems designed to track any object that might attack our nation from the … [Read more...] about SDI Should be Built Now
Is the U.S. Navy Turning into a Bunch of Wimps
Our American military officers are so handsome in their uniforms, always conveying an image of strength and discipline. They are the front line of warriors ready to charge into battle to save us from the bad guys of the world. So it really hurts to … [Read more...] about Is the U.S. Navy Turning into a Bunch of Wimps
Of Course, Congress Can Cut Federal Spending! — February 1995
Of Course, Congress Can Cut Federal Spending! Last November’s election was a mandate to cut federal spending — not just a wish for Balanced Budget Amendment promises, but a mandate to wield the ax. The American voters have finally awakened … [Read more...] about Of Course, Congress Can Cut Federal Spending! — February 1995
New World Order, Clinton-Style — June 1994
Put Directive 13 in Permanent Deep Freeze
With the end of the Cold War and the knocking down of the Berlin Wall, there's no need for national defense any more. Right? cut the defense budget! Demobilize our troops! Close our bases! Cancel SDI! In the middle of 1993, American troops … [Read more...] about Put Directive 13 in Permanent Deep Freeze
Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Feminist World View — July 1993