The Gulf War marked a new day for the American Armed Forces. Phyllis Schlafly considered this chapter of American military history to be especially important because it allowed the American people to “shake off our self-image as a defeated nation, … [Read more...] about The Strategic Advantage of ‘Overwhelming Superiority’
Radio Live: Hypocritical Feminists, Donors & Karl Rove, John Schlafly Rescuing Columbus, Larry Pratt
Hypocrisy of the Feminist Movement on Harvey Weinstein - Donors Sick Of Karl Rove Wasting Their Money - John Schlafly's Column on "Rescuing Columbus From Savages" - Phyllis Schlafly on Karl Rove - Larry Pratt Gun Owners Of America … [Read more...] about Radio Live: Hypocritical Feminists, Donors & Karl Rove, John Schlafly Rescuing Columbus, Larry Pratt
Radio Live: Guns In LV Shooting, Guns & Crime, Burgess Owens The Premise Of White Privilege Is Racist
Questions On Guns Used In Shooting - Lies About Guns And Crime - Burgess Owens The Premise Of White Privilege Is In Itself Racist … [Read more...] about Radio Live: Guns In LV Shooting, Guns & Crime, Burgess Owens The Premise Of White Privilege Is Racist
Radio Live: Trump In Puerto Rico, John Schlafly Bannon on Trump Economic Policy, Questions On Vegas
Trump Response In Puerto Rico - John Schlafly Report Bannon Promotes Trump Nationalistic Economic Policy - Questions On Vegas Gunman … [Read more...] about Radio Live: Trump In Puerto Rico, John Schlafly Bannon on Trump Economic Policy, Questions On Vegas
Radio Live: Liberals are Being Divisive, Not Uniting Over LV Mass Shooting, Arguments Over COS
Liberals are being divisive by slamming the Las Vegas country concert attendees for possibly being Republicans. We are not coming together as Americans over the LV mass shooting as we have in the past. Arguments over Convention Of States. Proponents … [Read more...] about Radio Live: Liberals are Being Divisive, Not Uniting Over LV Mass Shooting, Arguments Over COS
Radio Live: Wiretapping Claims Vindicated, Con Con Update, Emmys Mock Trump, Dreamers Disrupt Pelosi
It turns out that Trump is vindicated on wiretapping claims. Con-Con update. 9 To 5 actresses mock Trump at Emmy Awards. Dreamer protestors disrespect and disrupt Pelosi. Trump threatens N. Korea if Kim Jung-Un continues. … [Read more...] about Radio Live: Wiretapping Claims Vindicated, Con Con Update, Emmys Mock Trump, Dreamers Disrupt Pelosi
The Strategic Advantage of “Overwhelming Superiority”
The Gulf War marked a new day for the American Armed Forces. Phyllis Schlafly considered this chapter of American military history to be especially important because it allowed the American people to “shake off our self-image as a defeated … [Read more...] about The Strategic Advantage of “Overwhelming Superiority”
Radio Live: Majesty Of Solar Eclipse, Win Afghanistan, Socialism Is Corruption, ABA to Confiscate Guns
Appreciating the majesty of the solar eclipse. Trump says we will win in Afghanistan. The fruit of socialism is corruption. ABA is laying the groundwork to confiscate guns throughout the US. … [Read more...] about Radio Live: Majesty Of Solar Eclipse, Win Afghanistan, Socialism Is Corruption, ABA to Confiscate Guns
Radio Live: Trump on N Korea, Jennifer Morse Ruth Institute Sexual Revolution’s Attack On Family
Trump's strategy on dealing with the North Korean nuclear threat. Interview with Dr. Jennifer Morse of the Ruth Institute on the Sexual Revolution's attack on the family. … [Read more...] about Radio Live: Trump on N Korea, Jennifer Morse Ruth Institute Sexual Revolution’s Attack On Family
Choosing Between ‘Fear or Freedom’
In his March 23, 1983 televised address, President Ronald Reagan called for the American people to pursue a bold plan to launch a new missile defense program which would render Soviet nuclear armaments obsolete. He said, “The defense policy of … [Read more...] about Choosing Between ‘Fear or Freedom’