Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev must have gotten a big laugh about President Ford's speech to the American Legion in which he warned that, if Brezhnev doesn't hurry up and sign a SALT II arms agreement, the Ford Administration will request a $3 billion … [Read more...] about Ford’s Legion Speech
Portugal & Angola
It seems to be a reliable rule of thumb that the intensity of one's anti-Communism increases the closer one approaches the reality of Communist rule. Conversely, acceptance of the delusions of detente increases the farther one is removed from the … [Read more...] about Portugal & Angola
Socialized Medicine
"Those who warm themselves at the gates of Hell will never go there" is an old saying that warns us to contemplate the discomfort of a fiery eternity before we indulge in the tempting pleasures of the moment. The same lesson is just as applicable to … [Read more...] about Socialized Medicine
Inventory on Ford
Since President Ford has just completed his first year in office, it is time to take an inventory. In those matters where he acted on his own, President Ford's record is good. He successfully vetoed several wasteful spending bills. He refused to … [Read more...] about Inventory on Ford
The ancient Roman emperors used circuses and games to divert the people from addressing themselves to the possibility of self-government. The last four American Presidents have given us manned space spectaculars to divert Congress and the voters … [Read more...] about Apollo-Soyuz
Schlesinger’s Bluff
Any law enforcement officer will confirm that you should never point a gun at a criminal unless you are prepared to use it. Bluffing with weapons, loaded or unloaded, is a risky business. Yet this is precisely what Secretary of Defense James … [Read more...] about Schlesinger’s Bluff
“Safeguard” in SALT?
Strategic arms limitation talks have resumed in Geneva to work out a SALT II Agreement to be signed at the next summit meeting with the Soviets this fall. Before we go any further, it is important for the American people to understand how we were … [Read more...] about “Safeguard” in SALT?
Vatican Detente
In the recent Italian elections, the Communists established themselves as the leading political party in Italy's eight largest cities: Rome, Naples, Milan, Turin, Genoa, Florence, Venice, and Bologna. Nationwide, the Communists came within two … [Read more...] about Vatican Detente
Policy Toward Castro
The way I read the election returns of November 1972, George McGovern was decisively defeated. He carried only one out of 50 states. It is a puzzlement, therefore, why McGovern seems to be making U.S. policy toward Castro. Last fall, President … [Read more...] about Policy Toward Castro