The Ford Administration recently conceded that its amnesty program has been a spectacular failure because only one percent of the approximately 100,000 draft dodgers and deserters from the Vietnam War have turned themselves in and accepted the work … [Read more...] about FORD’S AMNESTY PROGRAM!
How Government Causes High Prices — October 1974
The Success Story Of Free China — August 1974
The Fraud Called Detente — July 1974
Jobs are created when private industry and individuals make a capital investment. The reason why American citizens enjoy such a high standard of living is that the free enterprise system has resulted in a higher capital investment per worker than in … [Read more...] about EXPORTING U.S. JOBS
Conservatives, Let Down Your Nets For The Catch — March 1974
Conservatives, Let Down Your Nets For The Catch Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have … [Read more...] about Conservatives, Let Down Your Nets For The Catch — March 1974
Giveaway of the Panama Canal — February 1974
Who is to "blame for the gasoline and fuel oil shortage? The Middle East War? The environmentalists who blocked the Alaska pipeline and California offshore drillings? The politicians who thought frozen tundra and wilderness were more important than … [Read more...] about BLAME FOR GASOLINE SHORTAGE
The recent news story about the Michigan man who makes his own gasoline in his back yard is a good reminder that Americans are a most ingenious people. This ex-chemistry teacher named Floyd Wallace feeds leaves, grass clippings, table scraps, coal, … [Read more...] about INGENUITY AND TAXES
Even an ill wind usually blows some good to someone. The ill winds of the Middle East War blew some truths our way which have helped us to identify which nations are friends and which are foes. When the chips were down, the outcome of the war was … [Read more...] about FRIENDS AND FOES