Even though Puerto Rico has three times voted against becoming a U.S. state, yet another effort is being made to persuade Puerto Rico to change its mind. Of course, the Democratic Party thinks making Puerto Rico our 51st state is a cool idea because … [Read more...] about Deceitful Tactics Used To Make Puerto Rico A State
Who Defines American Culture? — December 2006
Who Defines American Culture? With all the public discussion about the values voters (whether they voted in the 2006 election or stayed home), the underlying question is, what is the role of government in defining our … [Read more...] about Who Defines American Culture? — December 2006
Scanning the News about North American Integration — November 2006
Scanning the News about North American Integration Rep. Virgil Goode (VA), Rep. Ron Paul (TX), Rep. Walter Jones (NC), and Rep. Tom Tancredo (CO) introduced House Concurrent Resolution 487 — Expressing the sense of Congress that the United … [Read more...] about Scanning the News about North American Integration — November 2006
Pursuing the ‘North American’ Agenda — September 2006
Pursuing the 'North American' Agenda The hottest issue at the grassroots is illegal immigration and what our government is not doing to stop it. The question most frequently heard is, Why doesn't the Bush Administration get it? Maybe the … [Read more...] about Pursuing the ‘North American’ Agenda — September 2006
Patrick Buchanan’s Challenge to Americans
What is the United States of America? Is it merely an accident of geography, or a job market for the world, or a multiethnic, multilingual lot of people who agreed (more or less, and probably temporarily) to live under a Constitution? Those aren't … [Read more...] about Patrick Buchanan’s Challenge to Americans
The Plan to Integrate the U.S., Mexico and Canada — July 2005
The Plan to Integrate the U.S., Mexico and Canada The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has just let the cat out of the bag about what's really behind our trade agreements and security partnerships with the other North … [Read more...] about The Plan to Integrate the U.S., Mexico and Canada — July 2005
Conservative Agenda for 2005 — January 2005
Conservative Agenda for 2005 Conservative voters gave Republican politicians their best Christmas in at least half a century, conferring majorities at nearly all levels of government. Now, what will the politicians give the voters … [Read more...] about Conservative Agenda for 2005 — January 2005
What Do the Two Parties Stand For? — October 2004
What Do the Two Parties Stand For? To find out what the two major parties stand for, we should be able to compare their Party Platforms adopted by their National Nominating Conventions in the summer of 2004. Unfortunately, … [Read more...] about What Do the Two Parties Stand For? — October 2004
Does America Have A Future?
The establishment and the media elite would rather that the American people not read Patrick Buchanan's new book “The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization." That's … [Read more...] about Does America Have A Future?
The Costs Of NAFTA Are Driving Home
State politicians and federal judges are going the limit to protect us all from the horrendous highway hazards of talking on cell phones and not wearing seat belts. How about manifesting an equal enthusiasm to protect us against an invasion of 4.5 … [Read more...] about The Costs Of NAFTA Are Driving Home