What You Need to Know is Trump’s message to the world: hurt Americans and we will hurt you. The Trump Doctrine on display right now is not to be trifled with. It’s not about American “stuff” first — it’s about American people first. Gregory … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 1/2/20
Top Conservatives of 2019
Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) was the conservative of the year in the Senate, despite being its youngest member in his rookie year. His landslide defeat of the entrenched liberal favorite Claire McCaskill was the biggest victory of the midterm … [Read more...] about Top Conservatives of 2019
The Ed Martin Movement 12/27/19
What You Need to Know is the issue in the new year is not only about winning in 2020 but governing and advancing Pro America issues. Immigration will be a top issue: from Silicon Valley to the Vatican, American immigration is a spotlight issue in … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 12/27/19
Police Patrol School After MS-13 Threat
If you think illegal immigrants aren’t hurting anyone when they come to America, think again. Violent gangs from south of the border are threatening our nation’s schoolchildren every single day. It’s not just happening in states on the southern … [Read more...] about Police Patrol School After MS-13 Threat
The Ed Martin Movement 12/20/19
What You Need to Know is the Democrats aren’t after the truth — it’s about power. They have shifted from making any argument about impeachment to complaining about an “unfair” Senate trial. They are bent on degrading the institution … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 12/20/19
The Ed Martin Movement 12/11/19
What You Need to Know is how the media lies and distracts. On Brexit, on Trump and immigration, the media is trying to spin convince you of their narrative. #SchlaflyReport: John Schlafly discusses the Supreme Court — Cert Denied! Ann Corcoran, … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 12/11/19
The Ed Martin Movement 12/9/19
What You Need to Know is the IG report shows the FBI was corrupt in what they did. Even more important: the liberal news industry surrendered last week. One American News Network sued MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow for defamation and their … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 12/9/19
Getting Serious On Syria
President Trump’s withdrawal of troops from Syria drew criticism from politicians in both parties, but it sent an unmistakable message that the United States is not going to be the world’s policeman anymore. Trump is a dealmaker to the core. He knows … [Read more...] about Getting Serious On Syria
The Ed Martin Movement 11/14/19
What You Need to Know is impeachment is supposed to be a constitutional tool — not a political one. This impeachment is a dangerous threat to our Constitution. Also, Nancy Pelosi is changing the goalposts! She is changing the story and talking … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 11/14/19
Misguided Politics Drives Impeachment
The phony impeachment campaign by Democrats is boosted by an underlying hostility harbored within the Deep State against President Trump’s foreign policy. Long gone are the days when Democrats were the anti-war party, as their own presidential … [Read more...] about Misguided Politics Drives Impeachment