In April 1990, the Berlin Wall was being torn down to let East Germans travel to their family, friends, and countrymen in the West for the first time since 1961. This wall, which served as the preeminent icon of Communist oppression, was not strong … [Read more...] about “A Time of Vindication and Rejoicing”
Choosing Between ‘Fear or Freedom’
In his March 23, 1983 televised address, President Ronald Reagan called for the American people to pursue a bold plan to launch a new missile defense program which would render Soviet nuclear armaments obsolete. He said, “The defense policy of … [Read more...] about Choosing Between ‘Fear or Freedom’
The “Proven and Popular Formula” For Child Care
When President Reagan was finishing his second term in office, the anti-family Left was preparing their agenda for a liberal President Michael Dukakis. While George Bush, like Ronald Reagan, advocated for a federal child care tax credit to give … [Read more...] about The “Proven and Popular Formula” For Child Care
The U.S.’s Most Controversial Decision
Every August, the debate erupts again about whether President Harry Truman was right or wrong in his decision to order the atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945. A new book by Wilson Miscambie called The Most Controversial Decision deals at length … [Read more...] about The U.S.’s Most Controversial Decision
“History Is On the Side of Conservatives”
As the Reagan years came to a close with the election of 1988, Phyllis Schlafly took the time to look backwards at where the conservative movement had come from, and to look forward at where the conservative movement was going. At this decisive … [Read more...] about “History Is On the Side of Conservatives”
35 Years After the Defeat of ERA
The Equal Rights Amendment died thirty-five years ago, on June 30, 1982. Its opponents, lead by Phyllis Schlafly, gathered at a grand banquet to celebrate its demise. The Supreme Court ruled then that the time for its ratification had expired, … [Read more...] about 35 Years After the Defeat of ERA
DeToqueville Admires Our Christianity
*Previously recorded by Phyllis Schlafly / April 2013* Alexis de Toqueville is a name well-known to educated Americans as a remarkable Frenchman who traveled our country in the mid-19th century and wrote his perceptive commentaries about what kind of … [Read more...] about DeToqueville Admires Our Christianity
Defending the “Doctrine for All Seasons”
The purpose of this research project into the Phyllis Schlafly Report has been to see how Phyllis Schlafly’s flagship publication has been right on the issues for fifty years and how the same strategies she was using thirty, forty, and fifty … [Read more...] about Defending the “Doctrine for All Seasons”
From Passionate Patriot to “Intelligent Candidate”
The mainstream media and mainstream culture have a way of making candidates think they know what the people want. However, knowing what people actually want is an art form that very few people have actually mastered. The most obvious contemporary … [Read more...] about From Passionate Patriot to “Intelligent Candidate”
Giving Real “Choice” In Education
Conservatives are given a lot of bad press for being “anti-choice” but they are actually much more in favor of real choice than their liberal counterparts. Of course, I am not talking about the “choice” to murder unborn … [Read more...] about Giving Real “Choice” In Education