By 1977, it was clear that those in favor of the Equal Rights Amendment were losing steam quickly. Phyllis Schlafly and her Stop ERA army were gaining more ground than ever. As Indiana became the thirty-fifth state to ratify ERA, women’s … [Read more...] about IWY: Anniversary of The “Battle of Midway” for the Pro-Family Movement
GOP Nominates Conservative Rep. Rick Saccone for PA-18 Special Election
The Phyllis Schlafly Eagles-endorsed candidate will run in the March 18 special election to represent the state's 18th district. St. Louis, MO: Saturday, November 11, conservatives saw a big win in the selection of Rep. Rick … [Read more...] about GOP Nominates Conservative Rep. Rick Saccone for PA-18 Special Election
Honoring Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
**Previously Recorded by Phyllis Schlafly (11-11-13)** Today is Veterans Day, a day when we honor the men who have served our country and to thank them for their service and sacrifice to defend us. This holiday was originally known as Armistice Day, … [Read more...] about Honoring Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Big Education Whitewashes Columbus
In contrast to President Trump’s 2017 Columbus Day proclamation, Barack Obama chastised Americans in 2016 that “we must acknowledge the pain and suffering of Native Americans.” By apologizing for Christopher Columbus as a man … [Read more...] about Big Education Whitewashes Columbus
Rescuing Columbus from the Savages
On the 525th anniversary of the European discovery of America, New York’s 90-foot tall monument in Columbus Circle escaped damage — but only because the NYPD maintained a 24-hour honor guard the entire holiday weekend. Police protection … [Read more...] about Rescuing Columbus from the Savages
Radio Live: GOP Establishment Dropping Out-Trump to Release JFK Info-Left Keeps Agitating
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles Radio Program - AM 1640 Salt Lake CityListen in at Establishment Dropping Like Flies-Jeff Flake Says He May Run Against Trump-Trump to Release Info on JFK Assassination-Exploring Unanswered JFK … [Read more...] about Radio Live: GOP Establishment Dropping Out-Trump to Release JFK Info-Left Keeps Agitating
The Unknown Clause That Caused ‘A Tremendous Explosion of Human Energy’
America has long been a haven of innovation in the free market. American inventors through the years have looked to Article I Section 8 of our U.S. Constitution and its protection of their “exclusive Right to their respective Writings and … [Read more...] about The Unknown Clause That Caused ‘A Tremendous Explosion of Human Energy’
The Strategic Advantage of ‘Overwhelming Superiority’
The Gulf War marked a new day for the American Armed Forces. Phyllis Schlafly considered this chapter of American military history to be especially important because it allowed the American people to “shake off our self-image as a defeated nation, … [Read more...] about The Strategic Advantage of ‘Overwhelming Superiority’
Feminists Care About ‘Only the Feminists’
The success of President Trump’s campaign could be summed up by a single statement from his inaugural address: “The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. Everyone is listening to you now.” Liberals claim to speak for … [Read more...] about Feminists Care About ‘Only the Feminists’
No Sacred Places for Mobs
Gentlemen may cry peace, peace, but there is no peace: even cemeteries are not safe from liberal mobs bent on the destruction of history. In Los Angeles, an online petition forced the Hollywood Forever cemetery to remove a 92-year-old hunk of granite … [Read more...] about No Sacred Places for Mobs