Today is the 29th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. It was on November 9, 1989 that the Soviet Union opened the border and announced that people could freely cross from Communism into freedom. President Ronald Reagan’s greatest achievement … [Read more...] about Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall
Let’s Ignore Attacks on Columbus
*Previously recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // October 2013* Those of us who know our history know that today is Columbus Day. You may be surprised to learn that the Left is trying to make Christopher Columbus disappear from our history books and from … [Read more...] about Let’s Ignore Attacks on Columbus
PBS: History Reimagined
In the last year, PBS aired a special on the Spanish colonization of Florida called "Secrets of Spanish Florida." The program explores the 1565 founding of the St. Augustine settlement by Spanish conquistadors. However, the historical account they … [Read more...] about PBS: History Reimagined
The Year of the Bible Remembered
*Previously recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // October 2011* Powerful groups in the United States are trying to turn us into a completely secular nation and banish all reference to God and prayer from any public place or event. Those are the people … [Read more...] about The Year of the Bible Remembered
A Time to Preach and A Time to Fight
*Previously Recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // October 2013* October 1, 1746 is the birthday of a famous pastor of the American Revolution days named John Peter Muhlenberg. This gives us a good opportunity to reflect on a little known piece of … [Read more...] about A Time to Preach and A Time to Fight
Unsettling American History
There are certain symbols in our culture and history that evoke an intensely American feeling. Apple pie, Memorial Day, and baseball are all great examples of that. The Little House on the Prairie book series written by Laura Ingalls Wilder is … [Read more...] about Unsettling American History
We Were Given A Republic, But Can We Keep It?
Donald Trump winning the presidency may one day be compared to our early forefathers fighting and winning the war for our independence against the British. Logic screamed there was no way that an ill-equipped, sparse military could win … [Read more...] about We Were Given A Republic, But Can We Keep It?
Kavanaugh in Line with Hamilton’s Thinking in Federalist No. 78 to Interpret Laws, Not Make Them
"Staying true to his campaign promises, President Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh as his pick to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court. Judge Kavanaugh, 53, is widely seen as one of the top legal minds of his generation. During a … [Read more...] about Kavanaugh in Line with Hamilton’s Thinking in Federalist No. 78 to Interpret Laws, Not Make Them
Let’s Read the Declaration of Independence
**Previously Recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // 05-131//07-04-2005)** … [Read more...] about Let’s Read the Declaration of Independence
The Real Independence Day
John Adams is one of the most remarkable men in American history. Not only was he a patriot, a founding father, and a delegate to the Second Continental Congress, but he was also our nation’s second president. His wisdom and insight are seen by … [Read more...] about The Real Independence Day