In the wake of the President defeat, grassroots Republicans are asking the question, How is it possible that the Bush Administration could make so many mistakes? Did Bush want to lose? Of course, Bush didn't want to lose the 1992 election! But his … [Read more...] about Did George Bush Want to Lose?
The decision by the three major TV networks NOT to give gavel-to gavel coverage of the Democratic and Republican national nominating conventions enabled the media to exercise significant control over the message by the questions they asked the … [Read more...] about MEDIA QUESTIONS AT THE REPUBLICAN CONVENTION
Media Questions at the Republican Convention
The decision by the three major TV networks NOT to give gavel-to-gavel coverage of the Democratic and Republican national nominating conventions enabled the media to exercise significant control over the message by the questions they asked the … [Read more...] about Media Questions at the Republican Convention
We Still Have an Activist Supreme Court
When we elected Ronald Reagan President, conservatives dreamed that we would soon get a strict-constructionist Supreme Court. We hoped for an end to judicial activism -- the practice of writing into U.S. law the social preferences of the sitting … [Read more...] about We Still Have an Activist Supreme Court
A rumor is circulating in Washington, D.C. that, on one of the upper floors in the State Department, there is a room called the Shrine, and that every day Secretary James Baker and emissaries from President Bush and the Secretary of Commerce gather … [Read more...] about THE SEARCH FOR STABILITY VERSUS LIBERTY
Conservatives Find Their Shining City on a Hill
The dedication of the Ronald Reagan library this week was a happy victory party for those who call themselves the Reagan Alumni-- the grassroots conservatives who made it all happen. Several thousand of the faithful gathered on a mountain top in Sini … [Read more...] about Conservatives Find Their Shining City on a Hill
The Defeat of the Federal Pay Raise
The House defeat of the federal pay raise by 380 to 48 was a dramatic demonstration of the vitality and effectiveness of the conservative grassroots movement. It showed that, despite overwhelming odds, the people were able to rise up and say NO to … [Read more...] about The Defeat of the Federal Pay Raise
Just Say NO to Tax Increases — January 1989
SDI is Cost-Effective Defense
Senator Sam Nunn gave his 20-second sound bit for the evening television news a few days ago. SDI, he said, “is a technology, not a theology.” Nunn has it backwards. SDI is indeed a theology – more precisely an ideology – not just a technology. … [Read more...] about SDI is Cost-Effective Defense
Open Letter to President Reagan
Time is fast running out on your second term. Congress has adjourned, the election is over, and the public’s mind is taking a welcome recess from politics. You have only a few weeks left to tidy up and leave your House in order for your … [Read more...] about Open Letter to President Reagan