… [Read more...] about Big Brother Education, 1994 — May 1994
Colleges Should Display Warning Labels
Based on my visits to hundreds of college campuses, I believe that all colleges should be subject to Truth in Labeling requirements and should carry warning labels to advise teenagers what they are getting into. It takes extraordinary smarts, … [Read more...] about Colleges Should Display Warning Labels
What’s Happening on College Campuses? — May 1992
Censorship on College Campuses
The initials P.C. came into our language in the 1980s to mean Personal Computer. But in the 1990s, P.C. stands for Politically Correct, which represents a new wave of intolerance that is sweeping the college campuses. In this year of the Bicentennial … [Read more...] about Censorship on College Campuses
An Intelligent Candidate’s Guide to the Women’s Vote — October 1986
Hope and Despair
When the American POWs coming home after the Korean War were debriefed by the Army, the doctors discovered that some Gls had become victims of a strange new disease which they labeled "giveupitis." Major William E. Mayer, the chief Army psychiatrist … [Read more...] about Hope and Despair
Person of the Year
For 48 years, TIME Magazine selected what it called the "Man of the Year," although in 1936 the person was Wallis Simpson, for whom the King of England gave up his throne, and in 1952 the person was Queen Elizabeth II. This year, in lieu of the … [Read more...] about Person of the Year
HEW Regulations About “ Sexism” in the Schools — August 1974