For years, the appeasement-minded Senators have been assuring us that the Soviets will never fire their nuclear missiles at us because the United States has sufficient missiles to retaliate and destroy theSoviet Union. The plain fact is, however, … [Read more...] about TESTING MINUTEMEN
History is full of examples of how government controls of various kinds create shortages of economic goods. There simply is no way that a government bureaucracy can run an economic system as efficiently as the free market. Russia was a … [Read more...] about SOLVING THE OIL CRISIS
In THE MERCHANT OF VENICE, Shakespeare wrote: "Truth will come to light; murder cannot be hid long." But how long can it be hidden? A year? Ten years? Joseph Stalin's murders have been rather well hidden for 35 years. It has taken that long for … [Read more...] about SOLZHENITSYN’S NEW BOOK
One of the strangest anomalies of the Nixon Administration is the way it violates all rules of politics by repeatedly offending its friends in a vain attempt to placate its enemies. Take, for example, the case of Governor Meldrim Thompson of New … [Read more...] about LEGAL SERVICES
Effect of ERA on Family Property Rights — January 1974
Who is to "blame for the gasoline and fuel oil shortage? The Middle East War? The environmentalists who blocked the Alaska pipeline and California offshore drillings? The politicians who thought frozen tundra and wilderness were more important than … [Read more...] about BLAME FOR GASOLINE SHORTAGE
The recent news story about the Michigan man who makes his own gasoline in his back yard is a good reminder that Americans are a most ingenious people. This ex-chemistry teacher named Floyd Wallace feeds leaves, grass clippings, table scraps, coal, … [Read more...] about INGENUITY AND TAXES
"Enjoy your dream of peace just one more day. Hawaii, you will be caught like a rat in a trap." Those were the words of Japanese Admiral Matome Ugaki, Yamamoto's chief of staff, on the day before Pearl Harbor, 32 years ago. That was how the … [Read more...] about PEARL HARBOR ANNIVERSARY
Last Sunday, as my family was enjoying pot roast and discussing the energy crisis, my youngest son suddenly piped up and said, "Say, Mom, whatever happened to the beef shortage you were complaining about a couple of months ago?” The answer to that … [Read more...] about GASOLINE PRICE CONTROL
John F. Kennedy
Many memorials have been given this month on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. It is good to recall the historic events of his life, but it may be more important to reflect on the causes of his … [Read more...] about John F. Kennedy