One of the things I don't understand about the press in the United States is why the same story is not considered news when reported by a distinguished American scholar, but is considered big newsworthy of two pages in PARADE Magazine after it … [Read more...] about ACE REPORTER: SOLZHENITSYN
In the nearly 200-year history of our country, we have never before run short of bread. Even in wars, severe drouths and floods, we have always had enough of the staff of life. Usually, we have had magnificent wheat surpluses. Now our Government … [Read more...] about SHORTAGE OF BREAD
Conservatives, Let Down Your Nets For The Catch — March 1974
Conservatives, Let Down Your Nets For The Catch Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have … [Read more...] about Conservatives, Let Down Your Nets For The Catch — March 1974
What is the best investment a citizen could have made during the last five years to protect his family from galloping inflation? Not common stocks. Not government bonds. Not city real estate. Certainly not life insurance, or annuities, or … [Read more...] about GOLD
When the Bicentennial Center for the District of Columbia recently dedicated its new buildings, a weird mural was unveiled for Washington dignitaries. In what was expected to be a painting depicting the 200th anniversary of the birth of our nation, … [Read more...] about MARXIST ART
The United States Senate recently had the good judgment to defeat two strenuous attempts "by the world government proponents to ratify the so-called Genocide Treaty, This Treaty would make American citizens subject to trial by an international court … [Read more...] about GENOCIDE TREATY
If you go to your bank to float a business loan, the bank will fully investigate your credit history and your plans to repay the money. If you pass this financial third degree, then you get around to terms. If you are a blue-chip company such as … [Read more...] about BUSINESS LOAN TERMS
Natural gas is the cheapest and cleanest of our energy sources. Although gas is in short supply on our East and West coasts, our Government's policies toward solving this shortage, in the words of Alice in Wonderland, grow "curiouser and … [Read more...] about THE SOVIET GAS DEAL
With food becoming more expensive and sometimes even in short supply, many of us would like to get more of our protein from fish. Our tremendously long coastline and thousands of lakes and rivers should give Americans an abundant supply of cheap and … [Read more...] about STEALING OUR FISH
Federal Spending For Education
One of the evidences that our society has become more materialistic than idealistic is the general presumption that all problems can be solved by spending more money. Nowhere is this delusion so rampant as in the field of education. Between 1961 and … [Read more...] about Federal Spending For Education