Centralia, Illinois, appropriately situated in the center of that great agricultural state, is famous in the middle west for its strawberries. Located on the Illinois Central Railroad, it was 80 years ago that Centralia strawberry farms began … [Read more...] about STRAWBERRIES & OSHA
Congress passed the Housing Act of 1949 to the accompaniment of high-flown phrases about government’s duty to provide "a decent home and suitable living environment for every American family." The slogan "urban renewal" conjured up visions of … [Read more...] about FEDERAL HOUSING
Who Opposes the Equal Rights Amendment? — July 1974
By common consent over nearly two centuries, the day Americans celebrate as our most important national patriotic anniversary is the Fourth of July. The Bicentennial of our nation will be observed on July 4, 1976, and it is toward that target date … [Read more...] about BICENTENNIAL
One of the minor irritations that affect millions of people is the steady deterioration in the Post Office. A few of us can remember when we had twice-a-day home mail delivery, next day service, and frequent pickups at mail boxes all over town. … [Read more...] about POSTAL COMPETITION
Of all Government programs, the most immune from Congressional criticism is Social Security. When a Congressman is tempted to suggest improvements, he is stopped in his tracks by the memory of what happened to Barry Goldwater in 1964. For suggesting … [Read more...] about COST OF SOCIAL SECURITY
When Oliver Cromwell had his portrait painted, he instructed the artist, "Paint me as I am, wart and all." Television is a medium which does exactly that. It presents an unretouched picture with all the warts and wrinkles. Television does even more. … [Read more...] about KISSINGER AT SALZBURG
Jobs are created when private industry and individuals make a capital investment. The reason why American citizens enjoy such a high standard of living is that the free enterprise system has resulted in a higher capital investment per worker than in … [Read more...] about EXPORTING U.S. JOBS
Millions of television viewers who watched the Democratic National Convention of 1972 were shocked to see the advocates of homosexuality speaking during precious prime—time hours. The occasion was the discussion of the party platform, and the plank … [Read more...] about HOMOSEXUAL RIGHTS
After Senator William Fulbright was defeated in the recent Democratic primary in Arkansas, thus signaling the end of his long career as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, many commentators sounded off about how Fulbright has been … [Read more...] about SENATOR FULBRIGHT