Jobs are created when private industry and individuals make a capital investment. The reason why American citizens enjoy such a high standard of living is that the free enterprise system has resulted in a higher capital investment per worker than in … [Read more...] about EXPORTING U.S. JOBS
Millions of television viewers who watched the Democratic National Convention of 1972 were shocked to see the advocates of homosexuality speaking during precious prime—time hours. The occasion was the discussion of the party platform, and the plank … [Read more...] about HOMOSEXUAL RIGHTS
After Senator William Fulbright was defeated in the recent Democratic primary in Arkansas, thus signaling the end of his long career as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, many commentators sounded off about how Fulbright has been … [Read more...] about SENATOR FULBRIGHT
The news media lost a great reporter when Stewart Alsop recently succumbed to leukemia. I phoned him a couple of years ago and requested an interview. He turned me down rather brusquely. He frankly didn't want to give an interview to a conservative. … [Read more...] about STEWART ALSOP
What’s Going On In Congress? — June 1974
The best hospitals and the best doctors are not in Russia, England or any country which has socialized medicine. People who need difficult operations don't go to Europe or Asia; they come to the United States. Private U.S. hospitals and doctors have … [Read more...] about KENNEDY HEALTH PLAN
Some months ago, Common Cause came out with a report on political campaigns which concluded that the two parties which compete in every Congressional election are not, contrary to what most people think, the Republican and the Democratic parties, but … [Read more...] about CAMPAIGN FINANCING
The secret activities of the "plumbers" in breaking into the office of Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist have been almost universally condemned. But if the "plumbers" had delayed their raid until 1974, it would have been legal under a new law which took … [Read more...] about THE PSRO ACT
The United States spends more per student on education than any other nation. Our magnificent education facilities, school buildings, gymnasiums, laboratories, college campuses, endowments and scholarships are the envy of the world. Yet, something is … [Read more...] about MORAL EDUCATION NEEDED
For the past several weeks, the Spanish-language press in the United States has been buzzing with speculation and comment about a murder near Miami which, strangely, has gone almost unnoticed by the regular news media. On the Thursday before Easter, … [Read more...] about POLICY TOWARD CASTRO