Conservatives are currently agonizing over what course of action they should take for 1976. At their national gathering in Washington a few weeks ago, they appeared to be about evenly divided between Republican Party loyalists and those who want to … [Read more...] about FUTURE OF CONSERVATIVES
Our doctors advise us to have an annual examination or checkup. The Securities and Exchange Commission requires all listed businesses to file an annual report on their financial health. What would an annual report on the financial health of the … [Read more...] about FINANCIAL EXAM
The recent battle in the U.S. Senate over changing the Senate rules to lower the vote required to break a filibuster from a 2/3 majority to a 3/5 majority has caused some people to question ever requiring a super majority. Why should we ever allocate … [Read more...] about SUPER MAJORITIES
Amidst the gloom and doom of the present recession, it is good to remember that, whatever the shortcomings of our American economic system, it is still better than any other system in the world. For example, take our privately-owned telephone … [Read more...] about PHONES AND WHALE OIL
The 26th Amendment was added to the U.S. Constitution in 1971, granting 18-year olds the right to vote. This Amendment broke all records for speed of ratification, taking only three months. It represented a collective expression of faith that … [Read more...] about 18-YEAR OLD VOTE
The largest unpunished crime of World War II was the deliberate action of the British and American governments to force millions of anti-Communist Russians, Ukrainians and Cossacks to return against their will to the Soviet Union and sure death in … [Read more...] about HONG KONG REFUGEES
Despite all evidence to the contrary, liberal dogma remains unshaken that crime is-caused by poverty and lack of education, and that therefore crime can be eliminated by spending more government money, sharing the wealth, and giving everybody a … [Read more...] about CRIME AMONG NON-POOR
A policeman is slain by an armed robber in a holdup attempt. A fireman is buried by flaming rubble when a build ing collapses. Unfortunately, these all-too-frequent occurrences in our cities bring an untimely death to a brave man and leave a woman … [Read more...] about BACKSTOPPERS
How ERA Will Affect Our Local Police — February 1975
The Financial Squeeze On The U.S. Worker Social Security, Welfare, Jobs, Savings — February 1975