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Who’s For Censorship Now?
Two unrelated school incidents illustrate the kind of censorship that is demanded by those liberals, such as the American Civil Liberties Union, who regularly shout so loudly against censorship. The ACLU sent a letter to Lee’s Summit High School … [Read more...] about Who’s For Censorship Now?
SDI is Cost-Effective Defense
Senator Sam Nunn gave his 20-second sound bit for the evening television news a few days ago. SDI, he said, “is a technology, not a theology.” Nunn has it backwards. SDI is indeed a theology – more precisely an ideology – not just a technology. … [Read more...] about SDI is Cost-Effective Defense
Open Letter to President Reagan
Time is fast running out on your second term. Congress has adjourned, the election is over, and the public’s mind is taking a welcome recess from politics. You have only a few weeks left to tidy up and leave your House in order for your … [Read more...] about Open Letter to President Reagan
Who are the Enemies of the Blacks?
Conventional wisdom is that the welfare state is the savior of the blacks, who are presumed to need the goodies of government generosity in order to alleviate their status of poverty and years of discrimination. Now comes one of the most prominent … [Read more...] about Who are the Enemies of the Blacks?
The American Civil Liberties Union Policies — December 1988
The 25th Anniversary of Kennedy’s Assassination
For those of us who lived through the dramatic events of November 22, 1963, the many recent television programs revisiting the Kennedy assassination had a morbid fascination. There still are, as Walter Cronkite opined in his PBS documentary, an … [Read more...] about The 25th Anniversary of Kennedy’s Assassination
Pro-Life Victories In the 1988 Election
A favorite piece of sloganeering by the abortion/Planned Parenthood crowd when they attack the pro-lifers is, “Don’t let a minority impose its values on the rest of us.” They ignore the fact that it was a minority of seven men in Roe v. Wade who … [Read more...] about Pro-Life Victories In the 1988 Election
Poverty – A Misunderstood Label
Working, taxpaying Americans spend vast sums of money every year in a tremendously generous effort to lift other Americans out of poverty. These multi-billion federal programs are based on official statistics about how many families are below an … [Read more...] about Poverty – A Misunderstood Label
Child Care Difference Between Profamily and Liberal
Thanks to the 1988 presidential campaign, we all now know that the opposite of the political label “pro-family” is “liberal.” The issue of child care is the perfect illustration of why this is so. Senator Chris Dodd and Governor Michael Dukakis … [Read more...] about Child Care Difference Between Profamily and Liberal