It was appropriate that Hillary Rodham Clinton was the one who announced that the Clinton Administration signed the United Nations Convention (Treaty) on the Rights of the Child and is sending it to the Senate for ratification. After all, this UN … [Read more...] about UN “Experts” Show Their Hand About Treaty on the Child
How the Liberals Are Rewriting History — March 1995
How the Liberals Are Rewriting History Don’t assume that we can all forget about the controversial National Standards for United States History just because the U.S. Senate voted 99 to 1 to repudiate them. Don’t think that those outrageous … [Read more...] about How the Liberals Are Rewriting History — March 1995
Last November's election was a mandate to cut federal spending - not just a desire for Balanced Budget Amendment promises, but a mandate to wield the ax. The American voters have finally awakened to the fact that Big Government can't solve our … [Read more...] about OF COURSE, CONGRESS CAN CUT FEDERAL SPENDING!
The Party’s Over for Big Business
Before Big Business and Big Banks finish patting themselves on the back for the clever way they outmaneuvered the American people and got the Clinton/Dole/Gingrich troika to bail out their failed peso investments, they should read Fortunemagazine's … [Read more...] about The Party’s Over for Big Business
Of Course, Congress Can Cut Federal Spending!
Last November's election was a mandate to cut federal spending - not just a desire for Balanced Budget Amendment promises, but a mandate to wield the ax. The American voters have finally awakened to the fact that Big Government can't solve our … [Read more...] about Of Course, Congress Can Cut Federal Spending!
Of Course, Congress Can Cut Federal Spending! — February 1995
Of Course, Congress Can Cut Federal Spending! Last November’s election was a mandate to cut federal spending — not just a wish for Balanced Budget Amendment promises, but a mandate to wield the ax. The American voters have finally awakened … [Read more...] about Of Course, Congress Can Cut Federal Spending! — February 1995
Is Our Government Trading Dollars for Pesos?
Something happened on the way to the first foreign policy crisis of our post November-1994 government. Somehow, the new Republican majority seems to have forgotten its role as the party of the opposition and protector of U.S. taxpayers against raids … [Read more...] about Is Our Government Trading Dollars for Pesos?
The Republicans’ Most Urgent Task
Are the new Republican majorities in Congress and in state legislatures really serious about reducing the size and spending power of Big Government? That question will be answered in large part by what actions Republicans take to cut the power of the … [Read more...] about The Republicans’ Most Urgent Task
Character Is the Crucial Issue — January 1995
Character Is the Crucial Issue One byproduct of the sexual revolution starting in the 1960s is the change in the writing of biography. In earlier eras, it was considered ungentlemanly to reveal the sexual adventures of prominent persons. Friendly … [Read more...] about Character Is the Crucial Issue — January 1995
The Feminists Have a Terrible Identity Crisis — December 1994
The Feminists Have a Terrible Identity Crisis Two years ago, the feminists marched into Washington, D.C. under the banner "The Year of the Woman." They made confident predictions that they were inventing not only a new kind of government and … [Read more...] about The Feminists Have a Terrible Identity Crisis — December 1994