Why does the Clinton Administration insist on financing the military buildup of China when that huge country could eventually pose a threat to the United States comparable to the Soviet threat that hung over us for so many years of the Cold War? Why … [Read more...] about Who Will Stand Up for America Against China?
Uncovering Voter Frauds in a Senate Election
The Senate is finally facing up to the biggest of all the many scandals about last November's elections: the stuffing of the ballot box with fraudulent and paid "votes." The Senate Rules Committee just ordered a full investigation of Mary Landrieu's … [Read more...] about Uncovering Voter Frauds in a Senate Election
Encryption Is Essential to Freedom
The Clinton Administration sent three of its spokesmen to Capitol Hill last week to plead the case for "key escrow" before the House Subcommittee on Courts and Intellectual Property. They were testifying against H.R. 695, a bill that states: "It … [Read more...] about Encryption Is Essential to Freedom
School-to-Work and Goals 2000 — April 1997
School-to-Work and Goals 2000 The Clinton Administration learned a big lesson from the defeat of its plan to take over the entire U.S. health care industry. Releasing its plan as a single 1,342-page bill in 1993 gave … [Read more...] about School-to-Work and Goals 2000 — April 1997
Republicans, Get A Life!
It's time for Republicans in Congress to Get a Life and move out of the political and ideological box they are stuck in. It's time to put past mistakes behind them and, with their majorities in both Houses, start marching to the tune of … [Read more...] about Republicans, Get A Life!
The Clinton Master Plan To Take Over Education
The Clinton Administration learned a big lesson from the defeat of its plan to take over the entire U.S. health care industry. Releasing its plan as a single 1,342-page bill in 1993 gave conservatives a large target to hit at and … [Read more...] about The Clinton Master Plan To Take Over Education
The Goals 2000 Battle Won’t Be Over Till It’s Over
President Clinton made a speech on January 22 to a group identified by the White House as "the students, parents and teachers of the Northbrook Area Schools Consortium." His audience was so friendly that it interrupted him with applause 29 … [Read more...] about The Goals 2000 Battle Won’t Be Over Till It’s Over
The Smoking Gun in the Medicaid Mystery
Medicaid, the federal program that provides health care to people on welfare, is one of the biggest problems that the 105th Congress will have to tackle if it is serious about balancing the budget in the foreseeable future. Medicaid … [Read more...] about The Smoking Gun in the Medicaid Mystery
Reform Starts with Cutting the Cash Flow
You can bet that the Clinton Administration will use the substitution of another African, Kofi Annan, for Boutros Boutros-Ghali as UN Secretary General as an excuse to try to bamboozle Congress to pony up a extra billion dollars in … [Read more...] about Reform Starts with Cutting the Cash Flow
Medicalization of the Public Schools
Indonesians aren't the only billionaires covertly spending big bucks to influence public policy. There is just as big a scandal brewing about private foundations. Unbeknownst to the American public, several billionaire … [Read more...] about Medicalization of the Public Schools