Global Goals of the Clinton Administration President Bill Clinton appointed his Rhodes scholar roommate and fellow draft dodger, Strobe Talbott, as his personal foreign policy adviser and later to the number-two post in the State … [Read more...] about Global Goals of the Clinton Administration — October 1997
National Standards Mean Federal Control
Now that Clinton has made a giant leap toward federalized health insurance through KidCare, he is moving rapidly to federalize public school curriculum through national reading tests for 4th graders and national math tests for 8th graders. In both … [Read more...] about National Standards Mean Federal Control
Will Treaties Rule America’s Future? — September 1997
Will Treaties Rule America's Future? NATO Expansion Commits U.S. to Wars The current Republican Congress has a duty to save us from Bill Clinton's blunder in trying to lock America into an expansion of NATO. The 105th Congress has shown … [Read more...] about Will Treaties Rule America’s Future? — September 1997
Whose Heritage and Whose Land?
Last week in Philadelphia I stopped by to revisit Independence Hall, the cradle of our republic where the Declaration of Independence was signed and the United States Constitution was written. Something new has been added since the last time I saw … [Read more...] about Whose Heritage and Whose Land?
Don’t Let Janet Reno Read Our E-mail
The personal privacy of individual American citizens is rapidly eroding on every front. Advancing technology has made it easier for government agencies, the police, credit bureaus, telemarketers, and all sorts of nosy people to monitor where we are, … [Read more...] about Don’t Let Janet Reno Read Our E-mail
Global Warning about Global Warming
Finally, the U.S. Senate is starting to assert itself. By passing the Byrd-Hagel Resolution 95 to 0 on July 25, it served notice on President Clinton that the Senate is not going to be a party to reducing the standard of living of Americans in order … [Read more...] about Global Warning about Global Warming
Americans Are Suspicious of Government
Ordinarily I don't pay much attention to public opinion polls, but a recent one deserves comment. A Scripps Howard News Service/Ohio University national survey discovered that the majority of Americans believe that our government is guilty of big … [Read more...] about Americans Are Suspicious of Government
Time to Cut the Cost of Big Government
July 3 has been designated as "Cost of Government Day 1997" by a number of Governors and organizations in the hope that this will alert Americans to the fact that we work more than half of the year, up until the first days of the seventh month, to … [Read more...] about Time to Cut the Cost of Big Government
The New Political Party Realignment
Is the Gingrich-Lott leadership going to take the Republican Party down the same road to defeat traveled by the world's other conservative parties? Will they follow in the footsteps of John Major in Britain, Jacques Chirac in France, and Canada's … [Read more...] about The New Political Party Realignment
The Military’s War Over Marriage
The media have been in a feeding frenzy again. It's so much more exciting to cover the military's sex scandals than tedious news such as the budget or Clinton's attempt to expand NATO. Historians may look back and record that Air Force General … [Read more...] about The Military’s War Over Marriage