At last somebody in government has stepped out from the crowd and said what Americans have been waiting to hear, namely, that he has a plan to cut and simplify our oppressive tax burden and let us spend our own money any way we want to spend it. … [Read more...] about At Last Somebody’s Talking about Real Tax Cuts
What Will Clinton’s Legacy Be?
The political pundits and TV talk show personalities have begun talking about a subject they think is in their domain to decide: what President Clinton's legacy will be. Will it be a balanced budget, an expanding economy and stock market, or his … [Read more...] about What Will Clinton’s Legacy Be?
Global Goals: Bailouts, Bosnia, Lies, and Hot Air — January 1998
Global Goals: Bailouts, Bosnia, Lies, and Hot Air Congress Should Just Say No to IMF Funding While most Americans were celebrating Christmas and exchanging gifts with family members, Secretary of the Treasury Robert Rubin spent … [Read more...] about Global Goals: Bailouts, Bosnia, Lies, and Hot Air — January 1998
Why Are Republicans Now Backing Clintoncare?
Memories are short. Some Republicans don't seem to remember why they captured control of Congress away from the Democrats in 1994 for the first time in four decades. A major factor in that landmark victory was the American people's decisive rejection … [Read more...] about Why Are Republicans Now Backing Clintoncare?
Free Trade = Freedom to Lie on Labels
We're learning more every month about what "free trade" really means. Not only does it mean NAFTA, stunning defeats in disputes before the World Trade Organization (too bad for Eastman Kodak, which lost its effort to open up the Japanese market and … [Read more...] about Free Trade = Freedom to Lie on Labels
Clinton May Get Toasted by Global Warming
The confrontation with Iraq is tending to conceal an impending policy defeat for President Clinton that may dwarf his embarrassments over losing Fast Track and the appropriations for back UN dues. Clinton is planning on going to Kyoto, Japan in early … [Read more...] about Clinton May Get Toasted by Global Warming
Hillary Tries Touting a New Entitlement
Hillary Rodham Clinton should have just had a birthday cake and blown out 50 candles instead of staging what a White House spokesman called a "focused comeback" to proclaim what she described as a "frontier issue." The event sounded like a typical … [Read more...] about Hillary Tries Touting a New Entitlement
The Primary Republican Mission Is to Cut Taxes
It was a political earthquake in 1994 when the Republicans won a majority in Congress for the first time in four decades. Three years later, there is no joy in Mudville because the mighty Republican Congress has struck out. Republicans were … [Read more...] about The Primary Republican Mission Is to Cut Taxes
Nobel Laureates Denounce Hatch’s Patent Bill
President Clinton's Council on Sustainable Development, whose chief current goal is to promote public acceptance of the Climate Change Treaty that Clinton will sign in December in Kyoto, is attempting to kill two birds with one stone by linking the … [Read more...] about Nobel Laureates Denounce Hatch’s Patent Bill
Confrontation with Clinton over National Testing
President Clinton thinks he's on the popular side in drawing a line in the sand about his plan for national tests. He's wrong; he has misjudged the issue. Senator John Ashcroft has taken up the challenge, promising a filibuster. He already has 26 … [Read more...] about Confrontation with Clinton over National Testing