Big Brother Is Monitoring Us by Databases The hottest issue in America today is our discovery that the Federal Government is trying to tag, track and monitor our health care records through national databases and personal … [Read more...] about Big Brother Is Monitoring Us by Databases — September 1998
Congress’s Secret Plans to Get Our Medical Records
Americans were outraged to learn about the Federal Government's plans to assign a personal identification number to every medical patient. But Congress nevertheless passed H.R. 4250, the so-called Patient Protection Act, which allows anyone who … [Read more...] about Congress’s Secret Plans to Get Our Medical Records
The NEA Union Stays the Leftwing Course — August 1998
The NEA Union Stays the Leftwing Course The good news is, we were saved from the threat of a mega-union running the public schools when delegates to the National Education Association (NEA) convention this summer repudiated their own leadership by … [Read more...] about The NEA Union Stays the Leftwing Course — August 1998
Feds Grab for Medical Records
One of the major features of Bill and Hillary Clinton's nationalized health care plan, which the public rejected in 1994, was giving the Federal Government a database of every American's medical records. Each person was to have a Health Security Card … [Read more...] about Feds Grab for Medical Records
Monitoring Americans by I.D. and Federal Database
Two of the principal mechanisms by which the rulers of 20th century police states maintained their control over their people were the file and the internal passport. These governments kept a cumulative file (called the dangan in Communist China) on … [Read more...] about Monitoring Americans by I.D. and Federal Database
Consumers Should Hang Up on the Gore Phone Tax
The Conventional Wisdom circulating in Capitol cloakrooms is that Republicans should not move forward on impeachment of Bill Clinton because (a) polls show the public is nonchalant about his sins and (b) the fear of running against Al Gore as … [Read more...] about Consumers Should Hang Up on the Gore Phone Tax
Liberty vs. Totalitarianism, Clinton-Style — July 1998
Liberty vs. Totalitarianism, Clinton-Style Monitoring by I.D. and Database Two of the principal mechanisms by which the rulers of 20th century police states maintained their control over their people were the file and the internal passport. These … [Read more...] about Liberty vs. Totalitarianism, Clinton-Style — July 1998
Why Is Congress Criminalizing Copyright Law?
A new plan to straitjacket the American public by criminalizing a common American practice is hidden in the WIPO Copyright Treaties Implementation Act. Powerful Hollywood and software corporations that are afraid of losing money from high-tech … [Read more...] about Why Is Congress Criminalizing Copyright Law?
The Legacy of Barry Goldwater
It is unlikely that any nominee for President who was not elected ever had the lasting influence on American politics that Barry Goldwater did. Unlike other defeated presidential candidates, he will never be just a footnote in the history … [Read more...] about The Legacy of Barry Goldwater
The China Connection Is the Real Scandal — June 1998
The China Connection Is the Real Scandal Now we know why the Democrats were so vicious in their attacks on Senator Fred Thompson (R-TN) and Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN). Theirs were the committees that were closing in on the China connection, the … [Read more...] about The China Connection Is the Real Scandal — June 1998