In an era when we have endured so much scandal, so much embarrassingly improper behavior by high public officials, one might have reasonably predicted that Senator John Ashcroft would be the least controversial of all George W. Bush's Cabinet … [Read more...] about Assault On Ashcroft Spikes Bipartisanship
Separating Spin From Reality In Bush v. Gore
Al Gore's supporters and their allies in the media continue to falsify the facts about Florida in order to try to delegitimize George W. Bush's election. To make sure that spin does not replace reality, let's examine some of these myths. Myth: The … [Read more...] about Separating Spin From Reality In Bush v. Gore
A Conservative Agenda for the 107th Congress — January 2001
A Conservative Agenda for the 107th Congress Since Bill Clinton stuck his finger in the eye of all who care about American sovereignty and constitutional rights by signing the International Criminal Court (ICC) Treaty on New Year's … [Read more...] about A Conservative Agenda for the 107th Congress — January 2001
What’s At Stake In Education Committee Chairmanship?
As members of Congress are jockeying for chairmanships in the 107th Congress, the committees that handle big money seem to get all the headlines, but the Education chairmanship may ultimately have the most influence on policy. Public opinion surveys … [Read more...] about What’s At Stake In Education Committee Chairmanship?
Activist Judges Should Not Overrule Elections
The U.S. Supreme Court has taken a bold step towards returning Florida's election process to sanity. By halting the 11th hour partial hand recount, it stopped a reckless judicial attempt to elect Al Gore and potentially disenfranchise six million … [Read more...] about Activist Judges Should Not Overrule Elections
Making Every Vote Count
In waging his contest of the 2000 presidential election, Al Gore's mantra is Make Every Vote Count (except the votes of servicemen). But Gore's pious platitude should be subject to qualifications. We want to count only one vote per person. We want … [Read more...] about Making Every Vote Count
Kyoto Collapses In The Hague
The collapse of the global warming treaty negotiations in The Hague last week illustrates the folly of the Clinton-Gore globalists who want to give a consortium of foreigners the power to regulate the American standard of living. The conference ended … [Read more...] about Kyoto Collapses In The Hague
The Way We Elect Our Presidents — December 2000
The Way We Elect Our Presidents Hillary Clinton's first legislative proposal since her election as Senator was to call for the abolition of the Electoral College. It's no surprise that she will use her celebrity status to advance a … [Read more...] about The Way We Elect Our Presidents — December 2000
Don’t Knock The Electoral College
Senator Hillary Clinton's first legislative proposal since her election was to call for the abolition of the Electoral College. It's no surprise that she will use her new celebrity status to advance a series of bad ideas, but this is one of … [Read more...] about Don’t Knock The Electoral College
Is The November Surprise In The Ballot Box?
Are big media trying to steal the presidency and put Al Gore in the White House? The 2000 election confirms the widespread public perception that the media are advocates, not reporters. Major media spent the weekend telephoning Republican electors … [Read more...] about Is The November Surprise In The Ballot Box?