Are you for humans or for suckerfish? That's the issue in Klamath Falls, Oregon, where armed U.S. federal marshals are guarding the irrigation canal gates to keep the river from flowing to 1,400 farms that will soon be out of business if they … [Read more...] about Humans vs. Fish at Klamath Falls
Campaign To Tune Out Channel One
A broad coalition of companies, organizations and activists, ranging from Focus on the Family to Ralph Nader, have kicked off a campaign to stop Primedia's Channel One from exploiting school children for commercial gain. Channel One is the … [Read more...] about Campaign To Tune Out Channel One
Kyoto = Kick the United States
The anti-Bush brigade in the United States and abroad has coalesced around the Kyoto Protocol, thinking it is a neat hammer with which to hit our President. They are bragging that his strong stand against this fraudulent treaty is the principal … [Read more...] about Kyoto = Kick the United States
They Call It ‘The Democracy Predicament’
They call it “the democracy predicament.” The problem is that the politicians who prattle incessantly about democracy are not willing to accept the voters' democratic decisions. "Make them vote again and again until they vote the way we tell them … [Read more...] about They Call It ‘The Democracy Predicament’
Time To Start Over With Social Security Numbers
It isn't just Social Security benefits that Americans are worried about; it's the Social Security Number (SSN) itself. The widespread misuse of SSNs is a growing political issue. The Inspector General of the Social Security Administration, … [Read more...] about Time To Start Over With Social Security Numbers
Surprise Assault On Gun Ownership
The gun-control lobby is on the warpath in a most surprising venue. A group called Doctors Against Handgun Injury is calling on doctors, including psychiatrists, to ask their patients nosy questions about their gun ownership. As far back as we can … [Read more...] about Surprise Assault On Gun Ownership
English Language Controversy In Utah
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Utah is preparing to challenge a district court decision that properly found the state's new official English law constitutional. Utah voters approved the law as Initiative A on the ballot in last … [Read more...] about English Language Controversy In Utah
Better Research About Drugs Needed
A report just released by the National Research Council concludes that, although federal, state and local governments spent $30 billion in 1999 on illegal drug enforcement and treatment, the research is woefully inadequate to draw any conclusion … [Read more...] about Better Research About Drugs Needed
What’s At Stake In The New HHS Privacy Regs?
In earlier, simpler times, medical privacy was no problem. Your doctor recorded the date of your visit and his diagnosis and prescriptions in his inimitable illegible handwriting and put it safely in a manila folder where only he or his nurse would … [Read more...] about What’s At Stake In The New HHS Privacy Regs?
Cui Bono in Vaccine Mandate
A recent issue of JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association, 12-27-00) reports on a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) study that supports the widespread policy of forcing all children to be vaccinated in order to enter daycare or school. It … [Read more...] about Cui Bono in Vaccine Mandate