When Ronald Reagan became President in 1980, conventional wisdom assumed that the Soviet Union's position as a fearsome superpower was permanent. Henry Kissinger had the pessimistic belief that the Soviets had attained such nuclear power that his … [Read more...] about Remembering Ronald Reagan
The Day After Tomorrow
Unable to develop a coherent political ideology to oppose George W. Bush, the anti-Bush cabal has turned to humor and Hollywood. The CBS Evening News borrows jokes from the late-night comedy shows to jab at Bush every Friday evening, and we've … [Read more...] about The Day After Tomorrow
Why The UN Isn’t A Solution
The media pundits can't understand why all the negative news coming out of Iraq doesn't produce poll results that show John Kerry defeating George W. Bush. That's probably because Kerry's solution to the Iraq problem is to turn the … [Read more...] about Why The UN Isn’t A Solution
Don’t Let Judges Jimmy Elections
How the votes in this year's November election will be counted broke into the news last week when California Secretary of State Kevin Shelley banned the use of 14,000 touch-screen voting machines because of security and reliability concerns. He … [Read more...] about Don’t Let Judges Jimmy Elections
Looking at Some 2004 Election Issues — February 2004
Looking at Some 2004 Election Issues Are there things about our country and our culture you want to change? Activist judges? Same-sex marriage? Protecting the Pledge of Allegiance? Political bias in universities? Public … [Read more...] about Looking at Some 2004 Election Issues — February 2004
How The Democrats Plan To Win In 2004
Despite George W. Bush's high poll numbers, the Democrats think they have the key to winning the 2004 elections. Get the votes of convicted felons. Don't laugh; the Democrats are deadly serious. The nation's four million convicted felons … [Read more...] about How The Democrats Plan To Win In 2004
Another CBS Travesty
CBS paid big bucks for the television rights to come into the living rooms of 100 million Americans on Super Bowl Sunday. But public response to the thrilling last moments of a truly exciting football game may be overwhelmed by public disgust at … [Read more...] about Another CBS Travesty
Congressional Agenda for 2003
The clouds of election contests are behind us and a new Republican majority in both Houses of Congress will gather in January. It's time to reaffirm some basic Republican principles and move ahead with legislative implementation. Principle #1. … [Read more...] about Congressional Agenda for 2003
Was Firing Employees The Issue In Homeland Security?
The Daschle Democrats (bowing to pressure from their union constituency) resisted passing the Homeland Security bill prior to the election because President George W. Bush demanded wide authority to fire or transfer employees in the new 22-agency … [Read more...] about Was Firing Employees The Issue In Homeland Security?
Why The Democrats Are The Way They Are
If you wonder why the Democratic Party has regressed into sycophantic cheerleading for radical feminist candidates (such as the Hillary Clinton clones running this year), the explanation is in a new book called "Guide to Feminist … [Read more...] about Why The Democrats Are The Way They Are