A new conservative uprising is stirring and no one should be surprised. The Republican Establishment has been drifting leftward, and a backlash had to come against the Big Government spenders in legislatures and against supremacist judges who order … [Read more...] about Conservative Insurgency
Ripoff of American Workers and Taxpayers — May 2006
Ripoff of American Workers and Taxpayers The illegal aliens in this country carried out a massive boycott on May 1 to demonstrate they are so essential that the U.S. economy would shut down without their labor. On the … [Read more...] about Ripoff of American Workers and Taxpayers — May 2006
The Ripoff of American Workers and Taxpayers
The illegal aliens in this country are threatening a massive boycott on May 1, purportedly to demonstrate they are so essential that the U.S. economy would shut down without their labor. On the contrary, such a boycott will expose the lie expressed … [Read more...] about The Ripoff of American Workers and Taxpayers
Does Feminism Control The Bush Administration?
Assistant Education Secretary for Civil Rights Stephanie Monroe has announced that the Bush Administration is investigating universities that have fewer women in science and math programs than feminists would like. We are more than five years into … [Read more...] about Does Feminism Control The Bush Administration?
Unintended Consequences Of Welfare Reform
The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996, known as Welfare Reform, has been cheered as a stunning achievement of the Republican Congress and its Contract With America. The law helped to move millions of welfare recipients out of … [Read more...] about Unintended Consequences Of Welfare Reform
Time To Terminate Foreign-Language Ballots
Led by the two House Kings, Peter King (R-NY) and Steve King (R-IA), 56 House members are urging Judiciary Committee Chairman James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) to oppose the renewal of the section of the Voting Rights Act that mandates foreign-language … [Read more...] about Time To Terminate Foreign-Language Ballots
The Government’s Appetite For Nosy Information
While the Patriot Act and NSA wiretapping have received enormous attention and criticism from the mainstream media, another federal agency has been quietly gathering far more personal information about Americans than those laws ever can. And this … [Read more...] about The Government’s Appetite For Nosy Information
Bush Is Kicking Away His Base
The conservative movement that elected Ronald Reagan twice, George Bush I once, and George Bush II twice, is essentially a movement of grassrooters who don't like to take orders from the top and who revolt when they believe they are betrayed or … [Read more...] about Bush Is Kicking Away His Base
Feminists’ Double Standards About Child Care
When the feminist movement burst onto the American social scene in the 1970s, the rallying cry was "liberation." The feminists demanded liberation from the role of the housewife and mother who lived in what Betty Friedan famously labeled a … [Read more...] about Feminists’ Double Standards About Child Care
Guest-Worker/Amnesty Is Immoral — January 2006
Guest-Worker/Amnesty Is Immoral President George W. Bush, Senators John McCain, Edward Kennedy, Arlen Specter and several others are promoting legislation to grant some kind of guest-worker/amnesty status to millions of … [Read more...] about Guest-Worker/Amnesty Is Immoral — January 2006