In at least six states, the crucial issue in the November 2006 election may turn out to be whether or not voters must present photo ID. Since we have to show government-issued ID in order to board a plane, cash a check, enter a federal building, and … [Read more...] about We Need Voter ID For Honest Elections
Commemorating the Hungarian Revolution
This month we commemorate the 50th anniversary of one of history's most momentous events. With hindsight, we can now see that the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 started the unraveling of Soviet Communism that finally came to pass in 1991. The … [Read more...] about Commemorating the Hungarian Revolution
Laughing At Restraining Orders
Borrowing the title of a famous George Gershwin ditty, "they all laughed" when a Santa Fe, New Mexico family court judge granted a temporary restraining order (TRO) against TV talk show host David Letterman to protect a woman he had never … [Read more...] about Laughing At Restraining Orders
Patrick Buchanan’s Challenge to Americans
What is the United States of America? Is it merely an accident of geography, or a job market for the world, or a multiethnic, multilingual lot of people who agreed (more or less, and probably temporarily) to live under a Constitution? Those aren't … [Read more...] about Patrick Buchanan’s Challenge to Americans
Foreign Language Ballots Cause a Rebellion
The Washington Establishment is shocked at the discovery that Americans don't like the idea of the federal government forcing local governments to provide foreign language ballots. That's one more indication of how out of touch our leaders are with … [Read more...] about Foreign Language Ballots Cause a Rebellion
Guest Workers Aren’t Cheap; They’re Expensive — July 2006
Guest Workers Aren't Cheap; They're Expensive President Bush entered the White House in 2001 hoping he would be known in history books as the education president who improved public school standards with "No child left … [Read more...] about Guest Workers Aren’t Cheap; They’re Expensive — July 2006
Whatever Happened to Mike Pence?
Despite the consistent failure of all guest worker plans (e.g., France), Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) is peddling a new plan to import foreign workers who really are guests and really do go home. Pence has turned his back on the 88 percent of House … [Read more...] about Whatever Happened to Mike Pence?
Guest Workers Aren’t Cheap; They’re Expensive
Bush entered the White House in 2001 hoping he would be known in history books as the education president who raised public school standards with "No child left behind." It now looks like his legacy will be "No illegal alien left … [Read more...] about Guest Workers Aren’t Cheap; They’re Expensive
Time To Address Domestic Violence Abuses
The reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) was signed by President Bush in January without any public debate, but evidence is now surfacing which Congress should have examined before the law was passed. VAWA is a … [Read more...] about Time To Address Domestic Violence Abuses
The Subversive Plan To Ditch The Electoral College
A plot is afoot to change our constitutional form of government by ditching the Electoral College. John Anderson, Birch Bayh and John Buchanan, three losers who were defeated in the 1980 Reagan landslide, are scheming to change our Constitution … [Read more...] about The Subversive Plan To Ditch The Electoral College