"Don't Mess with Texas" is a popular slogan in our most prosperous state. By a 10-to-5 margin, the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) just told liberals to stop "messing" with social studies textbooks. For years, liberals … [Read more...] about Texas Kicks Out Liberal Bias From Textbooks
Putting Private Info on Government Database
Far more personal information on students than is necessary is being collected by public schools, according to the Fordham Law School Center on Law and Information Policy, which investigated education records in all 50 states. States are failing to … [Read more...] about Putting Private Info on Government Database
The Problem Is Government Unions
The Senate's decisive defeat of confirmation of radical labor lawyer Craig Becker is the first tangible result of the Massachusetts Miracle, which made Scott Brown the 41st Republican in the U.S. Senate. Two red-state Democrats also voted not to … [Read more...] about The Problem Is Government Unions
Obama Panders to the Feminists
Obama's "spread the wealth around" doesn't mean only higher taxes on taxpayers and more handouts to non-taxpayers; more especially, it means transfers of financial goodies to the President's political allies. The American … [Read more...] about Obama Panders to the Feminists
Global Warming Is Frozen Over
Whether or not the groundhog sees his shadow on February 2, there's no denying that January put into a deep freeze the claims of crisis by global warming alarmists. Frigid temperatures destroyed fruit and coral in Florida, and snow fell on Al … [Read more...] about Global Warming Is Frozen Over
The Most Powerful Office in the World Is NOT the President of the United States
Now wait a minute. Isn't the President of the United States the leader of the Western World, the man with his hand on the nuclear trigger, the head of a ten-trillion dollar nation? The President is, indeed, the most powerful man in the world - but … [Read more...] about The Most Powerful Office in the World Is NOT the President of the United States
The Real Loser In The Massachusetts Election
Smarting from their surprise loss in the race to fill the U.S. Senate seat in Massachusetts, the Democrats are throwing their candidate, Martha Coakley, under the bus. They blame her for running a poor campaign that made losers out of Barack Obama, … [Read more...] about The Real Loser In The Massachusetts Election
The Marriage Penalty in Health Care
Hidden in Obama's health care bill is a huge marriage penalty. Both the Senate and House bills would set up yet another federal program to provide financial incentives to subsidize marriage avoidance and illegitimate offspring. Even though all … [Read more...] about The Marriage Penalty in Health Care
The Causes of Unemployment
Much has been written about our current high unemployment, but there is a strange reluctance by both liberal and conservative commentators to assess blame for the dramatic loss of well-paying American jobs. The causes are not only the general … [Read more...] about The Causes of Unemployment
Ten Reasons Why Obamacare Must Be Stopped — January 2010
The American people oppose Obamacare by almost 2 to 1 in the latest CNN poll. Other polls also show lopsided opposition to passing either the Senate or House health-care bill. Public opinion is against the bill because of its … [Read more...] about Ten Reasons Why Obamacare Must Be Stopped — January 2010